Meet the Halders

Meet the Halders

এই পৃষ্ঠাটি বর্তমানে বাংলা-এ বিদ্যমান নয়৷.

David and Namita Halder came to Australia in 1979 to study at the Bible College of Victoria and graduated in 1981.

God called us to join with the Language Recordings mission and bring challenge to Bangladesh where most people can not read or write. By God's will we joined Language Recordings (then it was Gospel Recordings) in May 1983.

After two years training in Sydney we returned to Bangladesh, where David pioneered the LRI ministry in early February 1985. The main task was recording and distribution. David and the team have recorded the gospel in 38 languages and dialects as well as distributed over 1000 hand operated cassette players and the Bible teaching flip charts with recorded commentaries.

In the years since LRI began, several national workers have also joined the team including two tribal evangelists working among their own people. One of the evangelists came to the Lord through recording the 8 LLL commentaries in his own language. It was a joy for me to see the evangelist Keny Chak bring the challenge of the Lord among his own tribe, where he was beaten up because many people came to the Lord by his powerful witness. Australia has given some funds to Keny Chak in order to buy a piece of land for the Chak Church. Now we are praying for a church building for the Chak people.

HELP Children's Home

David also founded the HELP orphan/underprivileged children's home in Dhaka caring for 300 children. It provides food, shelter, health care and education for the children in a Christian environment. The main objective is teaching these children about the everlasting love of Jesus Christ. This program is taking the children off the streets and placing them in a loving caring Home.

"Charity began at home" as the HELP home began when David and Namita took 6 needy children into their home in the city of Dhaka while they were working with Language Recordings. The number of children increased to 25 within two months and it was expensive to rent bigger accommodation in the city. So the HELP Committee decided to move out from Dhaka to the nearest town called Savar which is 30 kilometers north west of Dhaka. David rented a four bedroom house with 2 additional rooms built later on, and we eventually accommodated up to 159 children until June 1995.

A generous Christian lady Mrs Anita Chowdhury from Bangladesh donated a big piece of land, which is 2.4 acres. Mr & Mrs Robert Deppe of Grand Rapids, USA provided a large donation to build a dormitory for 200 children. Within 9 months a three story building, home for orphan and underprivileged children, was constructed and occupied in July 1995.

HELP Bangladesh presently runs a Children's home with a primary school, which is open for the local community. HELP also have a micro-credit program for women in the local area to help poor families with no land, along with a health centre with a full time doctor and nurse to provide health care for the children and the local community of eight thousand inhabitants. Now our children are very happy to have their own home and school.

The LRI/HELP ministry has expanded over the years. Many young and adult people came to the Lord through our ministry.

সম্পর্কে তথ্য

GRN / HELP Bangladesh - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Bangladesh.

অস্ট্রেলিয়া - অস্ট্রেলিয়া সম্পর্কে তথ্য