The Talk Place

Blogues com as informações mais importantes e atuais e as opiniões pessoais de membros da GRN em todo o mundo

What inspired me to join GRN

Dave Hughes - Friday 19 December 2014

It’s been three years now since I joined GRN Australia. As with many of the staff, I started as a volunteer, but it took just one week to catch the vision.

One of GRN’s recordists from Nepal was visiting and he shared about a language group that he was trying to produce recordings for. To get to them he had to make a 20 hour bus trip and then walk through the jungle for days. Along the way he had to cross a river using a rope, hand over foot, with all his recording equipment on his back. Wow, I thought – these guys really go through a lot of effort to make their recordings.

The recordist’s prayer was that one or more people would be willing to act as language helpers, translating and then speaking out the materials so that he could record their voices. He had visited them before, and no-one had been willing. But GRN’s recordist was willing to have another go. Right then I caught the vision.

It doesn’t seem right for whole language groups to live and die without hearing the good news of Jesus in their own heart language? Through the work of GRN, the resources to communicate the gospel to the language group can be made available for just a few months of work, and just a few thousand dollars. They are then made available to whoever wants to use them to reach the group.

Right there and then I wanted to be part of it. I feel like GRN’s ministry is a bit like the parable of the lost sheep. GRN go to the smallest the remotest and the least reached. I feel that their ministry is a reflection of the Lord’s heart.

Three years later I’m still here. Like most people here, what motivates me is that I want everyone to have the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus in their own heart language. This is the heart of GRN and what I want to be a part of.