RSS feed for

RSS feed for

هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية.

The Global Recordings Network now has an RSS feed with all the latest news. The link is here, or keep an eye out for icons like this rss to show you there's an RSS feed available.

If you know what RSS is, then you can stop reading here. Otherwise carry on...

So what is RSS? It's just a simple way of delivering news and articles which doesn't rely on you having to visit our site every time.

There are a few ways to pick up an RSS feed:

  • Use your browser. Just about any browser will let you read the file, although most won't automatically format it nicely for you. Mozilla Firefox has a neat feature called Live Bookmarks which can automatically give you a bookmark to every new article.
  • Use your email client. Outlook Express and Eudora have plugins for RSS, and Mozilla Thunderbird has the capability built right in.
  • Use a standalone desktop aggregator. Examples are FeedDemon, SharpReader, RssReader, and there are many others.

I'm not the expert in this stuff, but have a search around the web and you'll find a method that suits you. There is lots of information around, such as this article at TechWeb.

See you 'round the net!

Rob McDonell - Webmaster

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