God's Scales (dialogue)

God's Scales (dialogue)

概要: Dialogue between shopkeeper and customer about uneven scales, as introduction. Then script talks about God's perfect scales. Refutes idea of "good deeds outweigh bad deeds," etc. Refutes idea of second chance by reincarnation. Application. There is a Pakistan version for women also.

文本編號: 284A

語言: English

主題: Christ (Sacrifice / Atonement); Belief System (Reincarnation); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Salvation); Life event (Death)

聽眾: Hindu

樣式: Dialog

類型/流派: Messages and Fiction

目的: Evangelism

聖經摘錄: Extensive

狀態: Approved



1. Sir, please give me two kilograms of the grain over there.

2. Very well.

1. Wait a minute. Your scales don't look even (balanced).

2. I never give short measure.

1. But look, friend, you can see the scales do not balance.

2. Oh, I am sorry. My child must have been playing with them. I will adjust them.

1. That is all right. It is hard to make scales balance exactly. There is only one person who has scales that balance exactly.

2. Ho, ho. But those scales are too expensive for me.

1. My friend, no one can buy them. Only one person has scales like this.

2. Who?

1. God. He weighs everything we do and say.

2. Oh, I know. If our good deeds outweigh our bad ones, we will not be punished. I am not worried about that. I give a handful of grain to every beggar or holy man that comes along. (Adapt) I keep on building up merit.

1. Friend, merit is a lie of Satan. You are forgetting a very important thing.

2. What?

1. That God looks at our hearts---God says that no one in all the world is good. No one has ever really walked in God's path or even wanted to. Our best deeds are like filthy rags in God's sight. How can we present such works to God?

2. Oh! If that is true--when I think of some of the things I have done---but then I will have a chance in another life (incarnation) won't I? I will be born over and over until I get salvation.

1. Oh, no! Friend, this is another lie of Satan. A man is born only once. After he died, he is judged by God.

2. You mean I will not have another chance?

1. No, when God tries you in His scales, He will look for your name in His Book of Life. In this Book, God writes the names of those who believe on Jesus and follow Him. If your name is not there, you will go to hell. There is no other chance.

2. How terrible! How can I get my name written there?

1. The only way is to believe on Jesus, God's Son. He died for your sins, and rose again. If you accept Jesus as your sacrifice for sin, and repent of your evil ways, He will cleanse you by His blood. Then your name will be written in God's book, and you will not have to be afraid of judgment in God's scales. Believe and trust in Jesus today, so that your name may be written in the Book of Life.

(For direct Scripture quotes see: I Sam. 2:3b; Prov. 16:2; Rom. 2:6; Heb. 9:27; Rev. 20:15)


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