Mi laik soim yu pren bilong mi Jisas [YBS Singing] - 托克皮辛語; 巴布亞皮欽語



節目編號: 65448
節目長度: 1:03:38
語言名稱: 托克皮辛語; 巴布亞皮欽語


Mi laik soim yu pren ♦ Jisas yu pren long mi [I want to show you friend ▪ Jesus you are my friend]


1. Mi laik soim yu pren ♦ Jisas yu pren long mi [I want to show you friend ▪ Jesus you are my friend]

Jisas I winim ol pren ♦ 1 Timotio 1:17 [Friends, Jesus has victory (lit: Jesus defeats all friends) ▪ 提摩太前書 1:17]


2. Jisas I winim ol pren ♦ 1 Timotio 1:17 [Friends, Jesus has victory (lit: Jesus defeats all friends) ▪ 提摩太前書 1:17]

God i Bikpela ♦ God bilong me i gat strong [God is Lord ▪ My God is strong]


3. God i Bikpela ♦ God bilong me i gat strong [God is Lord ▪ My God is strong]

God i gat olgeta strong ♦ Kolosi 1:20 [God has all strength ▪ 歌羅西書 1:20]


4. God i gat olgeta strong ♦ Kolosi 1:20 [God has all strength ▪ 歌羅西書 1:20]

God laik ol i wanbel ♦ 1 Jon 1:3 [God wants everyone to agree ▪ 約翰一書 1:3]


5. God laik ol i wanbel ♦ 1 Jon 1:3 [God wants everyone to agree ▪ 約翰一書 1:3]

Sin i wanem samting ♦ 1 Jon 5:17 [What is sin? ▪ 約翰一書 5:17]


6. Sin i wanem samting ♦ 1 Jon 5:17 [What is sin? ▪ 約翰一書 5:17]

I gat pe belong sin ♦ Rom 6:23 [There Is Payment for Sin ▪ 羅馬書 6:23]


7. I gat pe belong sin ♦ Rom 6:23 [There Is Payment for Sin ▪ 羅馬書 6:23]

Olgeta man i mas i dai ♦ Hebru 9:27 [Everyone must die ▪ 希伯來書 9:27]


8. Olgeta man i mas i dai ♦ Hebru 9:27 [Everyone must die ▪ 希伯來書 9:27]

Kot bai painim yumi tu ♦ Jon 3:19 [Judgement is for all of us ▪ 約翰福音 3:19]


9. Kot bai painim yumi tu ♦ Jon 3:19 [Judgement is for all of us ▪ 約翰福音 3:19]

I gat tupela lain ♦ Matyu 25:41 [There are two groups (of people) ▪ 馬太福音 25:41]


10. I gat tupela lain ♦ Matyu 25:41 [There are two groups (of people) ▪ 馬太福音 25:41]

Yu step long wanem lain ♦ Matyu 25:34 [Which group are you in ▪ 馬太福音 25:34]


11. Yu step long wanem lain ♦ Matyu 25:34 [Which group are you in ▪ 馬太福音 25:34]

Jisas em i laip ♦ 1 Jon 5:11-12 [Jesus is life ▪ 約翰一書 5:11-12]


12. Jisas em i laip ♦ 1 Jon 5:11-12 [Jesus is life ▪ 約翰一書 5:11-12]

Jisas i as bilong laip ♦ Matyu 4:4 [Jesus is the way of life ▪ 馬太福音 4:4]


13. Jisas i as bilong laip ♦ Matyu 4:4 [Jesus is the way of life ▪ 馬太福音 4:4]

God i mar i mar i long yumi ♦ Eph 1:7 [God loves you and me ▪ 以弗所書 1:7]


14. God i mar i mar i long yumi ♦ Eph 1:7 [God loves you and me ▪ 以弗所書 1:7]

Yumi i bin mekim sin ♦ 1 Peta 3:18 [We have all sinned ▪ 彼得前書 3:18]


15. Yumi i bin mekim sin ♦ 1 Peta 3:18 [We have all sinned ▪ 彼得前書 3:18]

Kraist i no mekim sin ♦ 2 Cor 5:21 [Christ did not sin ▪ 哥林多後書 5:21]


16. Kraist i no mekim sin ♦ 2 Cor 5:21 [Christ did not sin ▪ 哥林多後書 5:21]

Yumi i stap sinman yet ♦ Rom 5:8 [We are still sinners ▪ 羅馬書 5:8]


17. Yumi i stap sinman yet ♦ Rom 5:8 [We are still sinners ▪ 羅馬書 5:8]

Yumi mas bilip long Jisas ♦ Rom 10:10 [We must believe in Jesus ▪ 羅馬書 10:10]


18. Yumi mas bilip long Jisas ♦ Rom 10:10 [We must believe in Jesus ▪ 羅馬書 10:10]

Yumi mas tanim bel ♦ Aposel 2:38 [We must change our ways (repent) ▪ 使徒行傳 2:38]


19. Yumi mas tanim bel ♦ Aposel 2:38 [We must change our ways (repent) ▪ 使徒行傳 2:38]

Yupela mas lusim rong long ol ♦ Matyu 6:15 [We must stop doing wrong ▪ 馬太福音 6:15]


20. Yupela mas lusim rong long ol ♦ Matyu 6:15 [We must stop doing wrong ▪ 馬太福音 6:15]

Yu mas autim bilip ♦ Matyu 16:16 [You must confess your belief ▪ 馬太福音 16:16]


21. Yu mas autim bilip ♦ Matyu 16:16 [You must confess your belief ▪ 馬太福音 16:16]

God i mari mari long yumi ♦ Rom 3:24 [God loves us ▪ 羅馬書 3:24]


22. God i mari mari long yumi ♦ Rom 3:24 [God loves us ▪ 羅馬書 3:24]

Yumi mas stap long stretpela pasin ♦ 1 Jon 2:6 [We must keep on doing the right thing ▪ 約翰一書 2:6]


23. Yumi mas stap long stretpela pasin ♦ 1 Jon 2:6 [We must keep on doing the right thing ▪ 約翰一書 2:6]

Yumi mas givim bodi long God ♦ Rom 6:13,14 [We must give our bodies to God ▪ 羅馬書 6:13,14]


24. Yumi mas givim bodi long God ♦ Rom 6:13,14 [We must give our bodies to God ▪ 羅馬書 6:13,14]

Yumi mas pas long Jisas ♦ Jon 15:5 [We must stay with Jesus (lit: We must go past Jesus) ▪ 約翰福音 15:5]


25. Yumi mas pas long Jisas ♦ Jon 15:5 [We must stay with Jesus (lit: We must go past Jesus) ▪ 約翰福音 15:5]

Yumi mas ritim Baibel ♦ Aposel 17:11 [We must read the bible ▪ 使徒行傳 17:11]


26. Yumi mas ritim Baibel ♦ Aposel 17:11 [We must read the bible ▪ 使徒行傳 17:11]

Opim dua long Jisas ♦ Rev 3:20 [Open the door to Jesus ▪ 啓示錄 3:20]


27. Opim dua long Jisas ♦ Rev 3:20 [Open the door to Jesus ▪ 啓示錄 3:20]

Hevi i kamap long Kristin ♦ Hebru 5:8 [Guilt has come to the Christian ▪ 希伯來書 5:8]


28. Hevi i kamap long Kristin ♦ Hebru 5:8 [Guilt has come to the Christian ▪ 希伯來書 5:8]

God i givim bel isi ♦ 2 Korin 1:3,4 [God gives peace ▪ 哥林多後書 1:3-4]


29. God i givim bel isi ♦ 2 Korin 1:3,4 [God gives peace ▪ 哥林多後書 1:3-4]

God i bosim olgeta samting ♦ Rom 8:28 [God controls everything ▪ 羅馬書 8:20]


30. God i bosim olgeta samting ♦ Rom 8:28 [God controls everything ▪ 羅馬書 8:20]

Yumi mas bihaimin tok long God ♦ Sam 119:9,11 [We must follow God's Word ▪ Psalm 119:9]


31. Yumi mas bihaimin tok long God ♦ Sam 119:9,11 [We must follow God's Word ▪ Psalm 119:9]

Wokabout long klinpela pasin ♦ Taitas 3:8 [Living a clean life ▪ 提多書 3:8]


32. Wokabout long klinpela pasin ♦ Taitas 3:8 [Living a clean life ▪ 提多書 3:8]

Yumi mas autim ol sin ♦ 1 Jon 1:9 [We must all confess all sin ▪ 約翰一書 1:9]


33. Yumi mas autim ol sin ♦ 1 Jon 1:9 [We must all confess all sin ▪ 約翰一書 1:9]

Yumi mas pas wantain Kraist ♦ Rom 6:5,6 [We must stay close to Christ ▪ 羅馬書 6:5,6]


34. Yumi mas pas wantain Kraist ♦ Rom 6:5,6 [We must stay close to Christ ▪ 羅馬書 6:5,6]

Strongim Kristin laip ♦ Matyu 6:33 [Strengthen your 基督徒的生活 ▪ 馬太福音 6:33]


35. Strongim Kristin laip ♦ Matyu 6:33 [Strengthen your 基督徒的生活 ▪ 馬太福音 6:33]

Ritim tok long Baibel ♦ Jon 15:7 [Write the talk of the Bible ▪ 約翰福音 15:7]


36. Ritim tok long Baibel ♦ Jon 15:7 [Write the talk of the Bible ▪ 約翰福音 15:7]

Bilip na mekim prea ♦ Matyu 21:22 [Believe and pray ▪ 馬太福音 21:22]


37. Bilip na mekim prea ♦ Matyu 21:22 [Believe and pray ▪ 馬太福音 21:22]

Autim tok long samting ♦ Luk 8:39 [Say something ▪ 路加福音 8:39]


38. Autim tok long samting ♦ Luk 8:39 [Say something ▪ 路加福音 8:39]

Bihaimim gut ol lo ♦ Jon 14:21 [Follow the law completely ▪ 約翰福音 14:21]


39. Bihaimim gut ol lo ♦ Jon 14:21 [Follow the law completely ▪ 約翰福音 14:21]

Litimapin nem bilong Jisas ♦ Mi amamas tumas [Lift up the name of Jesus ▪ I am very happy]


40. Litimapin nem bilong Jisas ♦ Mi amamas tumas [Lift up the name of Jesus ▪ I am very happy]

Yumi mas stap wantain Jisas ♦ Jon 16:33 [We must stay with Jesus ▪ 約翰福音 16:33]


41. Yumi mas stap wantain Jisas ♦ Jon 16:33 [We must stay with Jesus ▪ 約翰福音 16:33]

Yumi laikim tru Bikpela ♦ Sam 122:1 [We love God ▪ Psalm 122:1]


42. Yumi laikim tru Bikpela ♦ Sam 122:1 [We love God ▪ Psalm 122:1]

Pasin bilong givim ♦ 2 Korin 9:7 [The way of giving ▪ 哥林多後書 9:7]


43. Pasin bilong givim ♦ 2 Korin 9:7 [The way of giving ▪ 哥林多後書 9:7]

Amamasim Bikpela ♦ Aposel 1:11 [Rejoice in the Lord (Make God happy) ▪ 使徒行傳 1:11]


44. Amamasim Bikpela ♦ Aposel 1:11 [Rejoice in the Lord (Make God happy) ▪ 使徒行傳 1:11]

Laip i stap altain altain ♦ 1 Korin 15:53 [Everlasting life ▪ 哥林多前書 15:53]


45. Laip i stap altain altain ♦ 1 Korin 15:53 [Everlasting life ▪ 哥林多前書 15:53]



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