Shona: Goba 語言

語言名稱: Shona: Goba
ISO語言名稱: 修納語; 紹納語 [sna]
語言狀態: Verified
GRN語言編號: 29093
IETF Language Tag: sn-x-HIS29093
ROLV (ROD) 語言變體代碼: 29093

Shona: Goba的錄音


Recordings in related languages

好消息 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

40 個帶圖片的視聽聖經課程。包括從創造到基督的聖經概述,以及關於基督徒生活的教導。適合用於傳揚福音和植堂。

看, 聽, 行 1與上帝一起開始 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號1書是關于亞當,諾亞,約伯,亞伯拉罕的, 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 2 神的勇士 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])


看, 聽, 行 3 通過上帝的勝利 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號3書是關于約書亞,底波拉,基甸,參孫的. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 4 上帝的僕人 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號4書是關于路得,撒母耳,大衛,以利亞的. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 5 爲神受試煉 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號5書是關于以利沙,但以理,約拿,尼希米,以斯帖的. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 6 耶穌 - 教師與醫治者 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號6書是關于馬太福音和馬可福音的耶稣. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 7 耶穌 - 主和救主 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號7書是關于路加福音和約翰福音的耶稣. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

看, 聽, 行 8 聖靈的作為 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

聖經影音故事系列編號8書是關于保羅和早期教會. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

Kristu Mupenyu [活著的基督] (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

基于時間順序的聖經宣講系列, 內容涵蓋從創世紀到基督, 包括120張圖片,呈現耶稣的個性和教導.

Baba Chipo (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

故事或比喻的戲劇節目 The film script is based on a drama story in Shona published in book form by Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA) in 1997. Copyright holder: Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA), Harare, Zimbabwe. Producer: MEMA-Media. Distributed by GRN with permission. The narrator walks with the funeral procession of Baba Chipo. He tells the story of Baba Chipo and the choices he had to make. A conflicting situation between Baba Chipo and his wife, Amai Chipo, shows his bombasm, arrogance and recklessness. The pastor comes to visit Baba Chipo who complains that he is wasting his time. The dramatic end of the story leaves the viewer with a very important choice to make. Distributed by GRN with the permission of CAVA.

Joy (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])

故事或比喻的戲劇節目 The film script is based on a drama story in Shona published in book form by Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA) in 1997. Copyright holder: Christian Audio-Visual Aids (CAVA), Harare, Zimbabwe. Producer: MEMA-Media. Distributed by GRN with permission. Dambudzo seeks advice from Mai Jane, who is well known for her wisdom. Dambudzo wants to know how she can still keep her friends while not joining them in their excessive, extravagant behavior and so-called fun. Mai Jane starts a calm conversation with Dambudzo, and while she speaks, dramatic images of her youth flash through her mind. Mai Jane explains to Dambudzo that bad choices can ruin your life. Distributed by GRN with the permission of CAVA.

歌曲 (in chiShona [修納語; 紹納語])



Broadcast audio/video - (TWR)
Holy Bible, Shona Version (Bhaibheri Dzvene) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Hymns - Shona - (NetHymnal)
Jesus Film Project films - Karanga - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Shona - (Jesus Film Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Shona - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Shona - 1949 Bible Society of Zimbabwe - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Shona - Holy Bible, Shona Version - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Shona - Union Shona - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The Promise - Bible Stories - Shona - (Story Runners)

Shona: Goba的其他名稱


說Shona: Goba的地方


與Shona: Goba有關的方言


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