GRN works to bring the gospel to another needy group - the non-literate deaf.
關於 GRN - GRN利用6525世界上最少接觸到的民族語言製作教導聖經的錄音
Country Websites - Contact a local GRN office in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe and Oceania.
常見問題 - 有關環球錄音網機構和侍奉的常見問題
GRN的歷史 - 神所賜一個西班牙唱片的異象已經發展成為全球30多個國家,6000多個語言的使命網絡。閱讀它是如何開始的。
Some Difficulities of Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Evangelism - This is a memo on the problems of determining the language groups that need evangelism. These notes from a Paul Hattaway lecture during the recent recordist training provided much of the material.
Faith comes by Hearing? About Oral Societies - Bible translation, Audio recordings and the missionary task
The Name above all - A miraculous story of how Jesus came into the life of a Sherpa boy and the Gospel has now spread through his family and all about the area.