Trauma Content Translation into IsiZulu and IsiXhosa

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Patricia Zoya

Coworker Patricia Zoya is a qualified social worker. She can speak 5 languages: English, Afrikaans, IsiZulu, IsiXhosa & Sesotho. She was recently nominated as the best social worker in the district.

Qualifications: 2007 -2010 - University of Fort Hare. Bachelor of Social Work. Modules passed: Psychology, Criminology, Sociology & Social Work.

We need $965 AUD (R12,000) to translate Tumi Tiger into IsiZulu.

It costs the same amount, $965 AUD (R12,000), to translate into IsiXhosa.

Cost of translating A Story of Four Friends, our follow-up program on resilience into 1 language: R4,440 ($358 AUD)

Both languages: R8,880 ($714 USD)

Recordings costs: R18,953 ($1,524 AUD) per language.

Why these two languages?

In the home of the Zulu nation, Kwazulu-Natal, trauma is referred to as an epidemic. And the language is spoken by 11 million+ people.

IsiXhosa is spoken next door, with a further 10 million 1st language and another 10 million 2nd language speakers.

We can escalate the impact of Tumi Tiger's work and ministry tremendously if we can translate our no. 1 trauma tool into these two languages.

Total Cost for Both Programs in Both Languages

R70,786 ($5,700 AUD)

Please prayerfully consider supporting this project. It is currently 35% funded.


A Story of Four Friends: The translation has been finished in IsiZulu, now being proofread by a 2nd proofreader - last round - before printing samples for field testing.

Tumi Tiger's first 20 tiger talks (out of 38) have been translated into IsiZulu and are being back-translated and checked currently.


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