

概要: Short, God created light but sin brought darkness. Jesus came as Light of the World to save us from darkness and fear of spirits, etc.

文本编号: X12

语言: English

主题: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Death of Christ); Bible timeline (Creation)

听众: Animist; General

目的: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Extensive Scripture

状态: Approved



When God created the world He created Light, too. The world was very beautiful.

Then God created our first parents, Adam and Eve, and they were beautiful, too. Their lives were full of light and holiness.

One day they sinned against God...darkness entered their hearts, and sin and unhappiness entered the human race.
Because of the sin of our first parents, every person born into the world has a sinful nature.

But God does not want us to remain in sin and darkness. And so He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of sinful men and women. Listen to the words of the Son of God. "I am the light of the world. He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life."

Jesus was sinless, but He died in the place of sinful men and women, and so He can take the darkness from our lives and give us Light. Would you like the Lord Jesus to save you? Would you like the darkness of sin, witchcraft, fear of spirits, and death taken from your heart and have the Light of salvation instead? Then today you may ask the Lord Jesus to give you the Light of Life. He will hear your prayer, because He is true, and His words are true.


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