The Second Coming of Jesus

The Second Coming of Jesus

概要: Is the second coming of Jesus just a dream? No, it is the greatest hope of this unenduring world. God waits to give more people an opportunity to repent, instead of judging and destroying all those who have not yet repented, in the lake of fire forever. When Jesus comes, will He find faith on the earth? Will He find faith in your heart?

文本编号: I014

语言: English

主题: Living as a Christian (Repentance, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Bible timeline (End Time, Second Coming)

听众: Muslim; Buddhist; Catholic; General

目的: Pre-evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Extensive Scripture

状态: Approved



1st.- Is it the truth that Jesus Christ will come back to earth again?

2nd.- That's right. It is the truth. The Lord said in John 14:3, "I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."

1st.- Will the coming of Jesus have anything to do with me?

2nd.- Everyone has a responsibility in the matter of the coming of the Lord.

1st.- What kind of responsibility?

2nd.- There are two groups of people. One group is those who are free from the punishment of sin and their past deeds, through faith in Jesus Christ. These will be changed in their bodies and will enter into eternal glory.

1st.- And the other group...?

2nd.- And the other group are those who, filled with sin, are not willing to receive the forgiveness of sin from God. These must receive punishment for their deeds and sin, in the lake of fire forever.

1st.- The second coming of Jesus seems to be just a make-believe, dream-like, unbelievable story. Isn't that right?

2nd.- It isn't something just thought up or dreamed, but it is the greatest hope of this unenduring world.

1st.- If it's not just thought up or dreamed up, why haven't we seen anything come of it? Time has passed by, by the hundreds and thousands of years.

2nd.- Don't forget God is not limited by time as we are. The Bible says that a thousand years are as a day to God.

1st.- Why is He so slow then? It makes so many doubt.

2nd.- II Pet.3:9 says, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promises like some think He is, but He is longsuffering because of you. He doesn't want anyone to perish but desires for everyone to repent."

1st.- Why does the Bible say that He is longsuffering because of you?

2nd.- Because the second coming of Jesus will mean the destruction of all those who have not yet repented. So don't think that these hundreds and thousands of years that have passed are for nothing, but understand that the Lord has waited so long to give more people opportunity to repent - and that might be even you, too, who must repent before it is too late.

1st.- Oh, the Bible here makes me realise that the will of God is merciful, long-suffering, not willing that anyone should perish at all! But the thought of man, like me, likes to make the longsuffering of God a matter of scorn and reproach instead of repenting.

2nd.- Jesus said, "When I come again, will I find faith in the earth?" I hope that when He comes He will find faith in your heart, sir.


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