The Sickness of Man

The Sickness of Man

概要: Compares physical sickness with "sickness of the soul" -- sin. Christ's power to heal both. Changed lives of those whom Christ heals. Ask forgiveness of Jesus.

文本编号: 291

语言: English

主题: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Joy, happiness, rejoicing); Problems (Sickness)

听众: General

目的: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Messages and Fiction; Paraphrase Scripture

状态: Approved



Listen, friends! In this world there are many sicknesses. Adults get sick. Young people get sick. The children get sick. Everyone gets sick, and I get sick too.

There are different kinds of sickness. There are sicknesses of all parts of the body. There are sicknesses of the soul, too. Sin is a sickness. We sin because our souls are sick. When a person hates another person, his soul is sick. If you do all kinds of bad things, you have a sick soul.

There are two kinds of sickness, then. There are sicknesses of the body, and sicknesses of the soul. There are medicines for the body. You cannot buy medicines for the soul. Only Jesus can heal the soul. Jesus can heal all kinds of sickness.

One day Jesus found a sick man. He saw him lying there. He could not walk. He had been that way for 38 years. Jesus asked him, "Do you want to be healed?" The sick man said, "Yes, but no one will help me." Jesus said, "Get up and walk. I have made you whole." The man got up then, got his things and left. He was well because Jesus healed him.

Jesus healed all the sicknesses. There were many. He healed many who had sicknesses of the soul also. Those who robbed, didn't rob anymore. Prostitutes didn't go out with other men anymore. Those who had hatred before, no longer had it. Jesus can still heal any sickness of the soul. Friends, Jesus can heal your souls of its sickness today. Then you won't be doing bad things and thinking bad thoughts. But Jesus won't heal you unless you ask Him. If your soul is sick and you refuse Jesus, He will not heal you.

Friend, if you want Jesus to heal your sickness of the soul, talk to Him like this: "Jesus, forgive me. If You help me, I'm not going to do bad again. Heal my soul. I know You live. I want to walk with You. I want to obey Your word. Amen."

Pray like that, and Jesus will hear you. He will heal you because He loves you. He wants to make you happy. He wants to free you from the sickness of your soul, so you can do good. Then someday He will receive you into heaven - His good place. There is no sickness nor evil there. There is only happiness.


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