God's Love for All

God's Love for All

概要: Very simple discussion between 2 pygmy hunters on God's creation; His love; His atonement. Discussion of sin and punishment. S.E. optional.

文本编号: 271

语言: English

主题: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience); Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Death of Christ); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Love of God); Bible timeline (Creation)

听众: Animist

目的: Evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

状态: Approved



1/ The sun is shining brightly this morning. Look at it on the water!

2/ This is a good day to go hunting for animals.

1/ Let's get ready to go!

2/ (Group response, shouting)

1/ Break these branches so we will know the way back. (Sound of branches) Here is the right path by this tree. I will follow you.

2/ Who made the trees, the sun, the water, and animals?

1/ The people of God read us from His Book, that God made all things. He made the stars and the moon, and bananas and food.

2/ Did He make us too?

1/ Yes. And we heard that He loves everyone. No matter what tribe we are, God loves us just the same.

2/ Is that why He gave us all these things?

1/ Yes. But He gave us a bigger gift than these things. He gave us His Son.

2/ Why did God give us His Son?

1/ Because God saw that all people were sinners. God loves us, but not our sins.

2/ Is stealing a sin?

1/ Yes, stealing is sin. And adultery, and lies, and unclean talk, smoking hemp, drinking, and even bad thoughts. And because of these sins, God says we must go to hell.

2/ Is it impossible for us to go to heaven?

1/ That is why God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He died to redeem us. They crucified Him on the cross. They nailed His hands and His feet. And the blood was shed. They put a crown of thorns on his head and the blood came out. They pierced His side with a spear and the blood came out.

2/ Why did Jesus thus die?

1/ He died like this to redeem us from Satan, and to wash away our sins.

2/ Oh, then it is possible for us to go to heaven?

1/ Yes, God says everyone who trusts in His Son shall be saved. But we must know that we are on the bad path and turn from our sin and follow Jesus. This bad path is a place of death.

2/ Oh, be careful! I saw an animal move over there! It may be a leopard!

(Whistle for warning).


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