The Lost Son

The Lost Son

概要: Luke 15: 11-24 (Montgomery Version). Story of the Prodigal Son, closing with a verse from Isaiah calling for people to return to God.

文本编号: 108A

语言: English

主题: Living as a Christian (Repentance, Forgiveness, Joy, happiness, rejoicing); Character of God (Love of God, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God)

听众: General

目的: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Scripture

状态: Approved



(Luke 15:11-24). (Montgomery)

"There was a man who had two sons.The younger of them said to his father, "Father, give me the share of your property which is coming to me." ** (1) So he divided his means among them.

Not many days after that the younger son gathered everything together and took his journey into a distant country. ** (2) There he wasted his money in living unsavingly. After he had spent everything there came a terrible famine in that land, and he began to be in want. So he went and hired himself to one of the citizens of that land. ** (3) He sent him out into his fields to feed swine. And he was longing to be filled with the husks which the swine were eating, but no one gave him food. When he came to himself, he said: "How many of my father's hired men have bread enough and to spare, while I am perishing of hunger! I will rise and go to my father, and will say to Him: 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and I am no more worthy to be called your son; only make me like one of your hired men.'** (4) So he arose and went to his father; but while he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. "My son, my son . . ." "Daddy!"

The son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight and am no more worthy to be called your son."

"Fetch the best robe, quick," said the father to his slaves, "and put it on him, and give him a ring on his finger, and shoes on his feet. Bring that fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry. ** (5) This son of mine was dead and is alive again - he was lost and is found." (Music effect)

The Father Himself loveth you. He says, "I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins. Return unto Me, for I have redeemed you." (Isa. 44:22)


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