God's Village

God's Village

概要: Contrasts happiness and sorrow as introduction to talking about heaven. Explains the need of cleansing from sin in order to enterheaven.

文本编号: 043

语言: English

主题: Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify); Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men); Eternal life (Heaven); Bible timeline (Gospel, Good News)

听众: Animist; General

目的: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

状态: Approved



Today there is news for you - - good news. Wait a little and I will tell you about it. If you should travel through all the villages, going from place to place, you would see many who laugh and have a good time, but you would also find in every village that there is sorrow, sadness, sickness and death. Wherever you should travel in the world, you would find in its cities and villages that, although there is joy, this is far outweighed by the sadness.

But this is the good news. I want to tell you about one village I know, where there is no sorrow, no sadness, no pain, no weeping, and no death. You ask, "Where is such a village?" I would like to tell you how you can go to it.

This village is God's village and God tells us He wants everyone to come to His village. There is only one reason why we cannot go to stay in God's village. God's village is a holy village. He is a holy God and His village is pure. He cannot allow sin to enter His village. It makes our hearts sad to hear this, because all of us have sin in our hearts. It is because of this we cannot enter into His village where there is neither sorrow nor death. We cannot cleanse our hearts of sin. We can wash our bodies of dirt, but we cannot cleanse our hearts.

But here is the good news. God has provided a way to cleanse our hearts of sin. God tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no washing away of sins. God has given His own Son, Jesus Christ, to be the only sacrifice to take away our sins. He died on the cross bearing our punishment and shedding His blood for us. God's book tells us that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. We do not have to put His blood on our bodies. We only need to ask Him and He washes the sin from our hearts. Jesus did not remain dead but He arose again from the grave. Now He lives. His power is great to save us, and to make us good. Refuse your sins, let Him make your heart clean, and trust in Jesus always. He is the one Way to that good village of God in Heaven. You can talk to Him now, and ask Him to cleanse your heart and He will do it.


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