A New Heart

A New Heart

概要: Children's story - A pig needed a lamb's heart to not go into mud puddles. Jesus gives us a new heart to make us do things we should do.

文本编号: 092

语言: English

主题: Character of God (Holy Spirit); Living as a Christian (New Nature); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Sin, disobedience, Heart, soul of man)

听众: Children

目的: Teaching

Features: Monolog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

状态: Approved



Would you like to hear a story about a pig? Once there was a queen who had a pet pig. She scrubbed it and put perfume on it and tied a pretty ribbon with some bells fastened to it around its neck. Then she took it out for a walk. (Pause 3 sec. - bells) The queen was very proud of her little pig. After a while they came to a puddle where some pigs were rolling in the mud. (Pause 3 sec.. pigs) The little clean pig broke away and ran down into the mud puddle and got covered with mud from head to foot.

The queen pulled the pig home, squealing at the top of his lungs and all muddy and dirty. (Pause 3 sec... pig squeal) She was ashamed and angry. She told the pig she would punish him if he ever did that again. He promised he never would, so she scrubbed him again. She put more perfume on him and another beautiful new ribbon, and tried it again. Everything went fine until they came to another mud puddle, and the little pig ran right into it! (Pause 3 sec.- bell) Of course the queen was very angry, and punished him. Day after day this same thing happened until finally the queen decided to have the little pig killed.

When the little pig heard it he felt very sad and didn't know what to do. That night a fairy came to him and said, "Would you like to be changed so that you will never want to go into a mud puddle? He said, "Oh, yes, how can I?" She said, "I will take out your pig heart and put a lamb's heart in its place." So she did.

The next day the pig begged the queen to take him with her one more time, and this time he wasn't afraid because he had a different heart. She fixed him all up again and they had a lovely walk and the pig ran and jumped happily on the green grass. (Pause 3 sec. .. bell) When he saw a mud hole he didn't even want to go in it because he had a lamb's heart, and lambs don't like mud holes!

Now that was only a story because fairies can't change pigs' hearts, but it reminds me of how God can change our hearts and give us a heart like Jesus', that loves to obey God. Is it hard for you to be good? Let God give you a new heart and it will not be hard. He says, "My Son, Daughter, give me your heart. I will cleanse it and give you a new heart."

You see, when He gives you a new heart, His Spirit comes inside it to live, and makes you want to do the things you should.

Prov. 23:26; Ezekiel 18:3l


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