这个脚本的录音: Portrait of Jesus

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Albanian, Gheg [Albania] - Portrait of Jesus

Sabar [India, Odisha] - Portrait of Jesus

Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - Portrait of Jesus

Twi: Asante [Ghana] - Portrait of Jesus

Wapan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Portrait of Jesus

与敏 [Vietnam, North East, Cao Bang] - Portrait of Jesus

东波斯语 [Afghanistan] - Portrait of Jesus

乌尔都语; 乌都语; 晤鲁都语 [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Portrait of Jesus (H)

俄罗斯 [Russia] - Portrait of Jesus

匈牙利语 [Hungary] - Portrait of Jesus

印地语 [India, Bihar] - Portrait of Jesus

印度尼西亚人 [Indonesia] - Portrait of Jesus

古吉拉特语 [India, Gujarat] - Portrait of Jesus

土耳其语 [Turkey] - Portrait of Jesus

塔加洛语; 塔加拉语; 他加禄语 [Philippines] - Portrait of Jesus

孟加拉语 [India, Assam] - Portrait of Jesus

希伯来语 [Israel] - Portrait of Jesus

希腊语 [Greece] - Portrait of Jesus

库维语 [India, Odisha] - Portrait of Jesus

德语 [Germany] - Portrait of Jesus

意大利语; 义大利语 [Italy] - Portrait of Jesus

拉脱维亚语 [Latvia] - Portrait of Jesus

挪威语 [Norway] - Portrait of Jesus

捷克语 [Czech Republic] - Portrait of Jesus

斯洛伐克语 [Slovakia] - Portrait of Jesus

斯華西裏語 [Kenya] - Portrait of Jesus

旁遮普语 [India, Punjab] - Portrait of Jesus

日语 [Japan] - Portrait of Jesus

朝鲜 [Korea, South] - Portrait of Jesus

汉, (海南) [China, Hainan] - Portrait of Jesus

波兰语 [Poland] - Portrait of Jesus

波斯语 [Iran] - Portrait of Jesus

泰卢固语 [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Portrait of Jesus

泰国语 [Thailand] - Portrait of Jesus

泰米尔语; 坦米尔语; 淡米尔语 [India, Tamil Nadu] - Portrait of Jesus

海地克裏奧爾語 [Haiti] - Portrait of Jesus

简体中文 [China] - Portrait of Jesus (Modern)

简体中文 [China] - Portrait of Jesus (Union)

粤语 [China, Guangdong] - Portrait of Jesus

索马里语; 索马利亚语 [Somalia] - Portrait of Jesus

纳瓦霍语; 纳瓦荷语 [United States of America, Arizona] - Portrait of Jesus

罗马尼亚语 [Romania] - Portrait of Jesus

老挝语; 寮国语 [Laos] - Portrait of Jesus

荷兰语 [Netherlands] - Portrait of Jesus

葡萄牙语 [Portugal] - Portrait of Jesus

蒂夫语 [Nigeria, Benue] - Portrait of Jesus

赫蒙巨额 [Myanmar, Shan State] - Portrait of Jesus

越南语; 京语 [Vietnam] - Portrait of Jesus

阿姆哈拉语 [Ethiopia] - Portrait of Jesus

阿尔巴尼亚语 [Albania] - Portrait of Jesus

阿拉伯语 [Saudi Arabia] - Portrait of Jesus

高棉语 [Cambodia] - Portrait of Jesus


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