这个脚本的录音: The Perfect Sacrifice

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Arabic, Sana'ani [Yemen] - Words of Life

Arabic, Sana'ani [Yemen] - Words of Life 2

Arabic, Ta'izzi-Adeni: El Odein [Yemen, San'a'] - Words of Life w/Aden & Jibla

Arabic, Ta'izzi-Adeni: El Odein [Yemen, San'a'] - Words of Life 2

Bhattiyali [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Christ Our Living Hope

Bhojpuri: Benarasi Boli [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life 1

Bilaspuri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Way, the Truth and the Life

Bundeli: Nibhatta [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life

Churahi [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Jesus Is The Way

Dhimba [Angola] - Words of Life

Gaddi [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

Kanauri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Grace of God

Kui (India) [India, Odisha] - Words of Life - Eternal God

Kului [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Preparation of God's Redemption

Lahuli Harijan [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Wonderful Jesus

Lohar, Lahul [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Knowing The Truth and The Way

Pahari, Mahasu: Upper [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Turning from the Old Path

Pangwali: Kilari [India, Himachal Pradesh] - How Was the World Created?

Parachi: Shotuli [Afghanistan] - Words of Life

Qatari [Afghanistan] - Words of Life

Seraji: Inner [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

Sotho, Northern [South Africa, Gauteng] - Words of Life

Spiti Bhoti [India, Himachal Pradesh] - God's Grace

Tatar: Afghanistan [Afghanistan] - Words of Life

乌兹别克语 [Afghanistan] - Words of Life

土库曼语 [Turkmenistan] - Lost but Found

布难 [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

茨瓦纳语 [Zimbabwe] - Words of Life 1


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