A new car.... Praise God!

The new car is a very welcome arrival.
The new car is a very welcome arrival.

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The dedication of the vehicle - glory to God

by Christine Platt, CEO Australia

GRN Philippines and GRN Australia have been asking God to provide our Filipino team with a new vehicle for most of 2018.

The old vehicle died and was not worth fixing. The team needed a vehicle for ministry. Transporting promotional materials and other things around Manila by public transport or taxi was challenging. Even more they needed a vehicle to carry team members and equipment on recording and distribution trips into rural areas.

A new vehicle was seen as a strategic need. Second hand cars can be a trap if they haven't been well maintained. And how can you know? So the team started praying and asking God to provide for a new vehicle. And provide God did!

Late 2018 the last of the needed funds came in. Thank you God! And thank you to each person who prayed or made a donation! A new vehicle was purchased - bringing much joy and thanksgiving to both the Australian and Filipino teams.

Our Filipino team looks forward to making good use of this vehicle as they work on recording plans on the Island of Mindoro this year (there is a car ferry).


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