Afrikaans: Orange River语言

语言名: Afrikaans: Orange River
ISO语言名称: 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语 [afr]
语言状态: Verified
GRN语言编号: 6716
IETF Language Tag: af-x-HIS06716
ROLV (ROD) 语言变体代码: 06716

Afrikaans: Orange River的现有录音


Recordings in related languages

好消息 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)

40 个带图片的视听圣经课程。包括从创造到基督的圣经概述,以及关于基督徒生活的教导。适合用于传扬福音和植堂。

看,听&行 1 从上帝开始 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行2 上帝的勇士 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行3 上帝带来的胜利 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行 4 上帝的仆人 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行 5 为神受试炼 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行 6 耶稣 - 老师和治疗师 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行 7 耶稣 - 主和救主 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


看,听&行 8 圣灵的作为 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


Tumi, die Tier [图米 - the Talking Tiger] (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)

以会说话的毛绒玩具老虎突米一系列简短的聊天来向受到贫困、患病、虐待等受伤的孩子们传达上帝的安慰和爱护 A series of interactive stories for children in need, to be played on the Megavoice Storyteller or Envoy audio player placed in the pouch of the soft toy tiger buddy – with appropriate support and followup.

主与我们同在 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


Boodskappe Vir Kinders [人生箴言 for Children] (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


人生箴言 (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)


Oppad Sonder Bagasie [On The Way Without Luggage] (in 阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语)

故事或比喻的戏剧节目 Performing artist Marié du Toit sharply depicts everyday life: Each scene/every song represents a different character in her moment of need, her hours of struggle and her days of growing weary. From scene to scene she suggests that each persona lies down her burdens at the cross of Jesus. The performance is wrapped by the famous Onse Vader (Our father – the Lord’s Prayer) as an outcry for His intervention in response to those who come to Him. This video is distributed by GRN with the permission from Marié du Toit and Mema Media.


Broadcast audio/video - (TWR)
Die Roemryke Koning - (Rock International)
Hymns - Afrikaans - (NetHymnal)
Jesus Film Project films - Afrikaans - (Jesus Film Project)
John 1:1-18 - Die Bybel in Afrikaans 1983-vertaling - (The Lumo Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Afrikaans - (Jesus Film Project)
Thru the Bible Afrikaans Podcast - (Thru The Bible)
Who is God? - Afrikaans - (Who Is God?)

说Afrikaans: Orange River的地方


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关于Afrikaans: Orange River信息

其他信息: The old Khoi Afrikaans of the Griquas and Namakwas along the Orange River. There are four dialects of it: the largest is Griqua, which is spoken in Griqualand West and also at Kokstad and Plettenberg Bay area by descendants of the Griqua-Khoi. The other dialects, from east to west are Namaqua, Riemvasmaak, and Richerveld. The differences between them are small, and Orange River Afrikaans is strongly influenced by Standard Afrikaans. But the variant still lives on, in a way. They are not yet extinct.


你是否愿意热心地向那些从未用心听取福音信息的人传扬耶稣真道? 这语言是否你的母语?或者有认识以此语言为母语的人?你是否愿意协助我们寻找或提供有关此种语言的信息?或者是找到能帮助我们从事翻译和录音的人士? 你若愿意支持语言录音的工作,请联系 联系 GRN 语言热线

须知: GRN是个非营利性组织。GRN与翻译者和语言助手之间没有任何经济关系。所有资源为自愿提供。