Naro: |anekwe语言

语言名: Naro: |anekwe
ISO语言名称: Naro [nhr]
语言状态: Verified
GRN语言编号: 14723
IETF Language Tag: nhr-x-HIS14723
ROLV (ROD) 语言变体代码: 14723

Naro: |anekwe的现有录音


Recordings in related languages

Core [Praise 歌曲] (in Naro)

基督教音乐,歌曲和赞美诗的汇编. "Core" Produced for the NLP (Naro Language Project) Ownership and Copyright: Naro Choir, with limited distribution rights to GRN and hardware device distributors - for FREE distribution in combo with the Naro Oral Scripture Set ONLY, not as independent product.

Mesia ba [Messiah] (in Naro)

各类诗歌与圣经事工的节目 "Mesiah Ba" Produced for the NLP (Naro Language Project) Ownership & Copyright: Naro Language Project, with limited distribution rights to GRN and hardware device distributors - for FREE distribution in combo with the Naro Oral Scripture Set ONLY, not as independent product.

Ncamku [Love] (in Naro)

基督教音乐,歌曲和赞美诗的汇编. "Ncamku" Produced for the NLP (Naro Language Project) Ownership and Copyright: Naro Choir, with limited distribution rights to GRN and hardware device distributors - for FREE distribution in combo with the Naro Oral Scripture Set ONLY, not as independent product.

Pesalema zi [诗篇] (in Naro)

基督教音乐,歌曲和赞美诗的汇编. "Pesalema zi" Copyright and ownership: Naro Language Project (NLP)

Oral Scriptures Set - The Story of God (in Naro)

这是对整本经过公认、翻译的圣经的音频和阅读,几乎不帶什么评论。 Tshoa-tshoa se koe 2:15-25 ▪ Xgore-kg'ai 12:1-18 ▪ Tshoa-tshoases koe 3:1-24 ▪ Tshoa-tshoases koe 35:16-29 ▪ Exodus 9:1-Exodus 10:29 ▪ Mataio 3:13-17

Naro: |anekwe的其他名称


说Naro: |anekwe的地方


与Naro: |anekwe有关的方言

关于Naro: |anekwe信息

人口: 12,000


你是否愿意热心地向那些从未用心听取福音信息的人传扬耶稣真道? 这语言是否你的母语?或者有认识以此语言为母语的人?你是否愿意协助我们寻找或提供有关此种语言的信息?或者是找到能帮助我们从事翻译和录音的人士? 你若愿意支持语言录音的工作,请联系 联系 GRN 语言热线

须知: GRN是个非营利性组织。GRN与翻译者和语言助手之间没有任何经济关系。所有资源为自愿提供。