Gospel Recordings Philippines

Câu chuyện về Chúa Jesus hiện khả dụng với hơn 6000 ngôn ngữ. Nghe hoặc tải về

Hãy đến thăm một vài vùng xa xôi hẻo lánh nhất của thế giới qua một nhiệm vụ ngắn hạn của GRN. Đọc thêm

Trang này hiện không có sẵn bằng tiếng Việt.

"Moving on to the last frontier".

Gospel Recordings Philippines is a mission organization that seeks to effectively communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ, through audio recordings to all peoples in their own language. Our priority is to provide evangelism and discipleship messages for oral communicators and unreached people groups that have no other means of hearing the good news in their own languages with the expectation of seeing them won to Christ and becoming His disciples.

Click here to find languages spoken and recordings available in Philippines

Liên hệ với chúng tôi

Unit 3C12 Isabelle de Valenzuela, #43 McArthur Highway, Marulas, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 1440

PO Box 40, Valenzuela City 1469, Metro Manila

Điện thoại (632) 361-9144


Thông tin liên quant

Asia - The people and work of GRN in Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Thailand, Korea and Pakistan.

GRN Offices in Asia - Information from your local GRN office in Asia, including Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

Phi-líp-pin - Thông tin về Phi-líp-pin

Kawa Saka Short Term Mission Philippines - Is God calling you to taste mission? Read the latest report from the Philippines.

Philippines - Kawa-Saka - Gospel Recordings Philippines conducts a short-term mission called "Kawa-Saka" to reach the people in the mountain ranges of Kalinga Province.