All About Jesus

All About Jesus

абрис: Creation, Jesus' birth, ministry, death and resurrection, promise to return. Very basic, a lot in one script.

Номер сценарію: X01

Мову: English

Тема: Sin and Satan (Judgement, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Death of Christ, Life of Christ); Bible timeline (Creation)

Аудиторія: General

Стиль: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Мета: Evangelism

Цитата з Біблії: None

Статус: Approved

Сценарії є основними вказівками для перекладу та запису на інші мови. Їх слід адаптувати, якщо це необхідно, щоб зробити їх зрозумілими та відповідними для кожної окремої культури та мови. Деякі терміни та поняття, які використовуються, можуть потребувати додаткових пояснень або навіть бути замінені чи повністю опущені.

Текст сценарію

Very long ago, in the beginning, God made the earth. He made everything. First He made one man, and one woman. Their names (were) Adam and Eve. He made their hearts very good; they had no sin. Afterwards they did not want God's way. They did not any longer obey God. From then on, all people of the earth have bad hearts...they drink, they lie, they fight, they raise scandals. When they die, God sends them to the place of fire. Us too! Only those who believe on Jesus will go to heaven when they die.

God's Son, Jesus, came to earth. He was a small babe. His mother (was the) virgin Mary. His father (was) God. Jesus was always very good. He never lied; He never got angry; He never got drunk. When He became a man, He taught everybody God's Word. He healed all sick people. He (was) very much God! He walked on the earth for thirty years. Men talked against Him: they did not want to see (any more of) Him. They did not want Jesus because of His goodness. Jesus still loved them. They killed Jesus. They nailed Him up on a cross; they nailed Him so that He would die. He died for us. He died because of our badness. His friends buried Him. After three days being dead, He lived (rose) again. Yes, He lived (rose) again! His disciples (learners from Him) were glad when they saw Him walk (live) again. He showed them His hands where they had nailed Him. He said to them, "Teach My Word to all the earth people." Afterwards, as they were looking, He went to heaven by a cloud. Jesus will come again, that He may take all who believe in Him to heaven also, forever.

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