Talking to God

Talking to God

абрис: Simple explanation of prayer; how to pray; sample of a sinner's prayer; explanation of the result of that kind of prayer. Concludes with several prayer promises which can be direct quotes or paraphrased. Presupposes a knowledge of Christian concepts.

Номер сценарію: 266

Мову: English

Тема: Character of God (Grace and Mercy); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify)

Аудиторія: General; New Christian

Стиль: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Мета: Teaching

Цитата з Біблії: Extensive

Статус: Approved

Сценарії є основними вказівками для перекладу та запису на інші мови. Їх слід адаптувати, якщо це необхідно, щоб зробити їх зрозумілими та відповідними для кожної окремої культури та мови. Деякі терміни та поняття, які використовуються, можуть потребувати додаткових пояснень або навіть бути замінені чи повністю опущені.

Текст сценарію

Stop a moment and think of the person who is most dear to you. God is even more loving and wonderful than that. He has told us in the Bible, "Ask and you shall receive." That's a promise. It means pray to God and He will answer you. You ask, "What is prayer?" It is talking to God just as you would talk to your father or mother or your best friend. There is never a time all day or all night when He does not hear you. You can't see Him except with the eyes of your heart, but He is always near and ready to hear you and answer. And some day He is coming back to earth again. Then you will see Him with your eyes.

In order to be God's child we must have our sins forgiven and our hearts cleansed. So the very first prayer that we should make to God is something like this:

"Dear God, I am a sinner, but I am sorry for my sins, and I don't want to do wrong things any more. I believe that Jesus died for me on the Cross and I trust Him now to wash my heart clean and make me His child."

When you have prayed a prayer like that from your heart and really believe, you become God's child. You are a new person inside. The Holy Spirit is living within. The weight of sin is gone. (APPROPRIATE CHORUS)

After you are His child you will want to talk to Him often. If you should sin ask His forgiveness immediately. Each day you should remember to tell Him "Thank you" and ask Him to keep you from sin. "Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for saving me and making me Your child. I love you with my whole heart. Help me to be faithful and keep me from sin. I want to tell others about You and to always do what You want me to do. For Christ's sake I ask it. Amen."

When you are happy tell Jesus about it. When you are sad, talk to Him. When you are lonely go to Him, and when you don't know what to do ask Him and He will show you. He is your dearest friend, and loves to have you talk to Him. (APPROPRIATE CHORUS.)

Here are some more things God has said about prayer: "Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you." "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their cry. "

NOTE: If script too long, omit paragraph in bracket (last paragraph). If too short, fill in remaining time with Scripture verses on prayer.

References: John 16:24, Matt. 7:7, Ps.34:15

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