Power Over Evil Spirits
абрис: Refers to local practices to appease evil spirits and the failure to get relief. Tells of Christ's power; the need to believe and trust Him. Tells about eternal life; heaven and hell; Christ's atonement. Invitation concludes with sinner's prayer.
Номер сценарію: 103
Мову: English
Тема: Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism, Syncretism); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Victory, Peace with God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Joy, happiness, rejoicing, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Fear)
Аудиторія: Animist
Мета: Evangelism
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Minimal Scripture
Статус: Approved
Сценарії є основними вказівками для перекладу та запису на інші мови. Їх слід адаптувати, якщо це необхідно, щоб зробити їх зрозумілими та відповідними для кожної окремої культури та мови. Деякі терміни та поняття, які використовуються, можуть потребувати додаткових пояснень або навіть бути замінені чи повністю опущені.
Текст сценарію
My friends, I would like to tell you something of great importance. You know that when we have trouble we try to find someone to help us. We go to the witchdoctor for medicine, or we wear charms and fetishes to make the evil spirits leave us alone. Sometimes we make sacrifices so that the evil spirits will not harm us (use the expression that describes the local custom) After we have done these things maybe the evil spirits let us alone for a time. But often they continue their evil work and we are not helped.
My friends, I have discovered One Who can truly help us. He came to save us from the power of evil (Satan). His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. Jesus Christ has power to conquer the evil spirits that harm people. (Evil spirits are only able to harm us because we are separated from God.) All people have sinned, and this has separated them from God (All of us are separated from God because of our sin.) Because of this they no longer have true life ( Being separated from God, we no longer have true life), for true life comes only from God. Even though their bodies are alive, their souls are dead. Jesus came to give eternal life to all who will receive it.
God tells us in His book that the one who believes in Jesus has eternal life. The one who rejects Jesus is under the wrath of God. When he dies, his soul will go to suffer in Satan's place (hell). But this eternal life is the kind of life that belongs to Heaven. It is only found in (only comes from) Jesus Christ. You can have this new life, which is God's kind of life, by receiving Him. There is no place you can get it but from Jesus. He says, "Come unto Me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Do you want to know how this can be? (how Jesus can give you this life?) Jesus Christ is the Saviour for the whole world. He gave Himself as an offering. He offered Himself to God as payment for our sins. He became the true sacrifice for sin by dying on the cross. He died for your sins. (For three days He was in the ground, dead,) But He arose from death (came back to life) and now He is living. His power is very great. He alone has power over the evil spirits. He can take away our sins.
(God gives eternal life to those who believe in Jesus. If you trust only in Jesus, you will be saved.) When you trust in Jesus, He will give you joy and peace. The witchdoctor cannot give these things (eternal life, or joy or peace), but if you trust in Jesus Christ alone, He will save you. Believe Him now. (Trust Jesus now.) Stop worshipping (giving honor to) evil spirits and other things that are not God. You must follow Jesus only. Turn from your sins and follow Him with one heart.
(If time, add: Pray to Him and say, "Oh God, forgive my sins. I want to follow Jesus. I will turn from the ways of Satan. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again. I will trust in Him!")
Ref.: Matt. 11:28