Let's Go for a Ride

Let's Go for a Ride

абрис: In the English children's set for American children. Theme: Importance of learning Bible verses and witnessing.

Номер сценарію: 205

Мову: English

Тема: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (Witnessing, Joy, happiness, rejoicing)

Аудиторія: Children

Стиль: Monolog

Жанр: Exhortation

Мета: Teaching

Цитата з Біблії: Extensive

Статус: Approved

Сценарії є основними вказівками для перекладу та запису на інші мови. Їх слід адаптувати, якщо це необхідно, щоб зробити їх зрозумілими та відповідними для кожної окремої культури та мови. Деякі терміни та поняття, які використовуються, можуть потребувати додаткових пояснень або навіть бути замінені чи повністю опущені.

Текст сценарію

American Children's Records (on witnessing)

(Car horn) Say, how would you like to go for a ride? (Children shout "yes!") All right, get into my car and away we'll go. (car motor) Let's get going out to the highway.
You know, when I'm riding in a car, I like to remember Bible verses. How about you helping me? Here's one I like very much! Romans the l0th chapter, and 9th, l0th, and llth verses..."If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart, man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, 'Whosoever believes in Him shall not be ashamed.'" (Train whistle)

Oh, oh, .. there comes a train! We'll have to wait while it goes by. (whistle gets loud, then fades out) (children talk and laugh). My, wasn't that a fast one, though? Time to go again.

Now, about those verses I just said. Did you ever stop to think about them? It means, if you really believe in your heart, you will be willing to accept Jesus as your Saviour. God wants us to.

That's why He tells us to tell others about Him, and we must be careful to obey Him. Of course we want to tell others about Him, don't we? If we could tell everyone in the world about Him, just think what a happy place it would be! For there are so many sad people who don't know that Christ can help them...and save them, and put joy and happiness in their hearts. (horn blowing, dog barking).

Look out, little dog!! Now, one of the best ways to tell people about the Lord Jesus, is to tell them what the Bible says. Here is a good verse to tell them. It is in the book of Acts, chapter 16 and verse 31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." (car motor dies out)

Well, home again. You know, if you tell people and they do believe, then they can sing that song Nancy learned. Sing it for us Nancy!

(Little girl sings "I do believe"): I do believe, I now believe, that Jesus died for me, And through His blood, His precious blood, I shall from sin be free, I do believe I now believe, that Jesus died for me, And through His blood, His precious blood, I now from sin am free.

Thank you Nancy, . . that was good. Now tell me, what are you going to do? (All the children answer) "We're going to tell everybody we can!!"

(Little boy or girl sings, "Bringing in the Sheaves"): Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. (Repeat, with all children singing.)

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