The Risen Christ

The Risen Christ

абрис: Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-53; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:4, 8-9

Номер сценарію: 1372

Мову: English

Аудиторія: General

Мета: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Статус: Approved

Сценарії є основними вказівками для перекладу та запису на інші мови. Їх слід адаптувати, якщо це необхідно, щоб зробити їх зрозумілими та відповідними для кожної окремої культури та мови. Деякі терміни та поняття, які використовуються, можуть потребувати додаткових пояснень або навіть бути замінені чи повністю опущені.

Текст сценарію

Title ideas:Jesus appears to people who saw him alive.Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection.Do you doubt that Jesus rose from death to life?

The day that Jesus rose [came] back from death to life, he showed himself to some of his disciples. He asked them for some food to eat, and they watched him while he ate the food.

A disciple named Thomas was not with them that day. When the other disciples told Thomas they had seen the Lord Jesus, he replied, “Unless I put my own finger in his wounds, I will not believe Jesus is alive!”

A week later, when Thomas was present with Jesus’ disciples in a room, they locked the door. Suddenly, Jesus came, stood among them and said, “Greetings! Peace to you all!”

Jesus then said to Thomas, “Come! Put your finger into my hand wounds! Put your hand into my side [body] wound! Stop doubting [disbelieving] and believe [I am alive]!”

Thomas replied, “You are my Lord and my God!”Jesus said, “You now believe, because you have seen me! God [also] blesses [causes good to happen] to those who believe without seeing!”

Another day, Jesus’ [eleven chosen] disciples met with him on a mountain [hilltop] where he had told them to go. There he said, “God has given to me all authority in heaven and on earth. So, you must go make disciples [for me; to follow me] in every tribe [in the world].

“Baptize those disciples in the Father’s, the Son’s, and the Spirit’s name [authority], and teach them to obey all that I have commanded you to do!”

Another day, Jesus said, “Everything that Moses and the other prophets wrote about me has come true [happened]!

“Those prophets wrote that the promised Messiah would suffer and die, that he would rise [back to life] three days later, and that you must go tell people everywhere to repent [to change how they live] starting in Jerusalem [city].

“You men have seen and heard all that I have done and said. A few days from now, God my Father will send to you his Holy Spirit, as he promised. You will then have power from heaven [God].”

Jesus then led his disciples to another [town / village], lifted his hands towards heaven, and prayed to God for them [blessed them]. As they watched him, they saw him rise from earth and go up into heaven [the sky]. Then they returned to Jerusalem Town, feeling strong joy and praising God.

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