The Spirit-Filled Life

The Spirit-Filled Life

Anahat: Our body is God's temple, give it to the Holy Spirit for His full control. Confess sins and make it right with people. God will put the fruits of the Spirit in our life.

Komut Dosyası Numarası: 281

Dil: English

Tema: Character of God (Holy Spirit); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Spiritual Growth, Repentance, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Separation from sin)

Kitle: New Christian

stil: Monolog

Tür: Bible Stories & Teac

Amaç: Teaching

İncil Alıntı: None

Durum: Approved

Komut dosyaları, diğer dillere çeviri ve kayıt için temel yönergelerdir. Her bir farklı kültür ve dil için anlaşılır ve alakalı hale getirmek için gerektiği gibi uyarlanmalıdırlar. Kullanılan bazı terimler ve kavramlar daha fazla açıklamaya ihtiyaç duyabilir veya hatta tamamen değiştirilebilir veya atlanabilir.

Komut Dosyası Metni

Are you a child of God? Have you received Jesus as your Saviour? Then your body is God's temple. Jesus has bought us. He gave His blood for us on the cross. Have you given over your body to the One Who owns it? Will you say to Him, "Dear Lord, I am Thine. All that I have is Thine - my family, my possessions. Make my body your Holy temple." Invite God the Holy Spirit to come and make His home in you.

If there is any sin in your heart, humble yourself before God and before your brethren and ask Jesus to cleanse it away by His precious blood. If you have wronged anyone, make it right. Now trust the Holy Spirit to accept your sincere invitation to come into every part of your heart and to keep you from all evil.

The Holy Spirit cannot live in an unholy temple. He will be very sad if there is sin in your heart. He cannot live where there are evil habits, evil speaking, envy, and anger. But when He has full control of our hearts He fills us with love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faith, and self-control. When God's Spirit dwells in you unhindered, you will live a holy life, and will not fulfil the desires of the flesh.

By His power you are kept from sin. Through His presence your temple is kept pure and beautiful, and you will have a life of peace and overflowing happiness.

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