: Kebu Fula
: Pular [fuf]
: Verified
: 9952
IETF Language Tag: fuf-x-HIS09952
: 09952

Fulah Pular Kebu Fula - The Two Roads.mp3

Audio recordings available in Kebu Fula

Recordings in related languages

Kebu Fula

Jesus Film Project films - Fuuta Jalon - (Jesus Film Project)
Laawol Gooügaaku - The Way of Righteousness - FulFulde - (Rock International)
Laawol Peewal Ngol - Pular Guinea - The Way of Righteousness - (Rock International)
Laawol Peewal - The Way of Righteousness - (Rock International)
Resources - Pular (Futa Jalon) from 'Welcome Africans' - (Welcome Africans / Bienvue Africains)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Fuuta Jalon - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Pular -2011 Traducteurs Pionniers de la Bible avec Mission Protestante Réformeé - (Faith Comes By Hearing)

Futa Jalon: Kabufula
Fuuta Jalon: Kabu Fula
Fuuta Jalon: Kebu Fula
Kabu: Fula
Pular: Kebu Fula

Sierra Leone

: 500,000