A Week in Temora NSW

Christine and Geoff, assisted by a local
Christine and Geoff, assisted by a local

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Christine giving the Children's Talk - always well received

by Christine Platt, CEO Australia

Geoff Wong and I enjoyed country hospitality as we spent a week in and around Temora NSW. We had a delightful week staying with Derek and Anna Yu and their three young children.

Sunday gave us the privilege of fellowshipping with Temora Presbyterian Church and encouraging them with God's word and stories of what God is doing through GRN around the world. We also shared meals with several church members over the week and learned a lot about country life.

We enjoyed fellowship and opportunities to share with brothers and sisters from the Uniting, Anglican and Salvation Army churches. We also had opportunities to speak at two primary school assemblies and visited the local Christian bookshop. It was lovely to walk down the main street and meet people we knew. We even rated a mention in the local paper.

About 16 hardy souls joined us for breakfast at Henty Presbyterian Church to hear about GRN on a freezing Saturday morning. It was a great encouragement to hear about their plans for a stall at the Henty Field Days and to see a small town with a vibrant church.

Our last stop was a Sunday service at Ariah Park Baptist Church. Again, it was so encouraging to open God's word and share stories of what God is doing around the world with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and a joy to hear about the new businesses that have opened in this small town.

Geoff and I give thanks to God for the love and hospitality of His people, for the green paddocks and farmers who were thankful for some rain, and for the opportunity to encourage God's people with news of what God is doing in the world through GRN and our partners. We also had a lot of fun visiting the local tourist attractions and seeing people's pride in their history and community.

If your church would like a visit from GRN, please contact Geoff Wong or ring the office on 02-9899-2211.


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