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Psalm 23:6: "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever."( NLT)
This is the time of the year when many of us will watch yet again that old, heart-warming Christmas classic 'It's a Wonderful Life'. In this film the main character gets to find out what his world would have been like if he had never been born. He gets to see that all the good things he accomplished during his life wouldn't have happened if he had never existed.
This got me thinking about what our world might look like if our faithful prayer partners did not exist. Imagine if we had no one we could call on to pray for us during times of trial and difficulty. There would be no one to hold us up before the Throne in our ministry and stand in the gap to hinder the enemy's advances; no one to pray for more workers for the harvest fields of the world and resources for the great commission.
Without intercessors there would be no one to pray for our governments and leaders, to ask God to fill them with wisdom; no one to call on God for repentance in our nation and to plead for His mercy. As woeful and weak as many of us are in prayer, our nation and our world would be so much darker and evil without the prayers of God's people.
What if you or I had never lived? I am sure that we all wonder at times how much difference we are making in our world. But all of us can make an impact for eternity by being faithful in prayer. Things will happen because of our prayers that otherwise might not. And one day when the scrolls of heaven are rolled back and the fruit of our lives and prayers is revealed, we may be amazed at all that God accomplished through unworthy yet willing servants.
Most likely in heaven we will be so caught up in awe and wonder at the glory of our Lord that we may never look back to our time on earth. But if we do, we will be so grateful that we did live because we got to know Jesus. And we will be thankful for every trial God allowed in our lives, knowing that when the dust settled He used each of them to make us more like His Son.
And I am sure we will agree that, no matter how difficult things got at times, it really was a wonderful life after all!
Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator