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"The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name." Exodus 15:3 NIV
I like the term prayer warrior. We are in an all-out warfare for the souls of men, women and children and the Lord wants to raise up unstoppable prayer warriors who will do battle in prayer for their salvation. I write this as one who is still learning how to pray.
Prayer warriors are motivated by the relentless love of God for all the peoples of the earth. They want to see Him glorified among the nations. This takes them beyond praying for just family and friends. They see the larger needs of a world at enmity with God and know that prayer is essential for implementing His will on earth.
While ever learning, prayer warriors know that the victory Jesus won at Calvary totally disarmed the enemy and that in prayer they have authority over enemy forces. They use scripture to contend in prayer for our governments, for injustices in our world, and for people held captive by false religions and ideologies. They know that their fight is not with the people but with the principalities and powers behind the world systems.
Prayer warriors understand also the power of praise and how it inhibits the enemy and thwarts his plans.
A prayer warrior might be weak in body but, if faithful in prayer, he or she will be feared in the heavenlies. Their intercession and praise cause confusion in the enemy camp. Prayer warriors are usually unsung heroes because their prayer ministry is often carried out in obscurity. But Heaven sees.
Prayer warriors choose to make time for prayer by letting go of other things, even good things; at times even sleep! They are willing to pay the price to fulfill their calling. And their calling to prayer and intercession is the end of the divine search for a man or woman to stand in the gap to pray for the purposes of God.
This is not the calling of a few but of all of God's people.
Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator