หน้านี้ไม่พร้อมใช้งานใน ภาษาไทย.
In the BeginningGenesis 1:1-5; Psalm 90:2
The Greater LightGenesis 1:14-18
The Lesser LightGenesis 1:14-18
God makes every creatureGenesis 1:20-25
God Created Adam and the AnimalsGenesis 1:24-26
Adam and Eve in the GardenGenesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:15-25
The Snake Tempts Adam and EveGenesis 3:1-6
Adam and Eve Eat the Forbidden FruitGenesis 3:6
Fig Leaf CoveringsGenesis 3:7-10
Adam and Eve Sin and are PunishedGenesis 3:11-15
Adam and Eve Driven From the GardenGenesis 3:14-23
Adam and Eve Out Of the GardenGenesis 3:14-24
Cain and Abel Bring Offerings to GodGenesis 4:1-7
Cain Kills AbelGenesis 4:8-14
Noah builds the ArkGenesis 6:9-21
The Ark is finishedGenesis 6:22
Noah fills the ArkGenesis 7:1-10
The Great FloodGenesis 7:11-24
The FloodGenesis 7:18-23
The Rain has StoppedGenesis 8:1-2
Noah's Sacrifice and the RainbowGenesis 8:20 - 9:17
The Tower of BabelGenesis 11:1-9
Abraham Leaves his Home in HaranGenesis 12:1-7
Lot's ChoiceGenesis 13:10-12
Abraham Meets the King of PeaceGenesis 14:18-20
God's Promise to AbrahamGenesis 15:1-6, 22:15-18
Baby Ishmael Is BornGenesis 16:15-16
Abraham, Sarah and the VisitorsGenesis 18:1-15
Abraham Pleads for SodomGenesis 18:16-33
Lot and His Daughters EscapeGenesis 19:14-23
The Destruction of Sodom and GomorrahGenesis 19:24-29
Abraham, Sarah and IsaacGenesis 21:1-7
Abraham offers Isaac as a SacrificeGenesis 22:1-19
Old Abraham and His ServantGenesis 24:1-5
Jacob Trades Esau His BirthrightGenesis 25:27-34
Jacob's DreamGenesis 28:10-19
Jacob and LabanGenesis 30:31-36
Jacob Meets GodGenesis 32:24-25
Joseph's DreamGenesis 37:1-11
Joseph is Sold into SlaveryGenesis 37:12-36
Joseph Refuses Potiphar's WifeGenesis 39:1-20
Joseph in PrisonGenesis 39:20 - 40:23
The King's DreamGenesis 41:1-45
Joseph's Brothers Bow Before HimGenesis 42:1-7
Joseph Revealed to His BrothersGenesis 45:1-18
Jacob and Joseph Meet Again in EgyptGenesis 48:12-20
Israel's Slavery to the EgyptiansExodus 1:7-14
Baby Moses RescuedExodus 2:10
Moses and the Burning BushExodus 3:3-6
Moses and Aaron before PharoahExodus 7:8-13
The Passover Blood on the DoorpostsExodus 12:1-11
Pharoah and his Dead SonExodus 12:29
The Israelites Pass Through The Red SeaExodus 14
Manna in the WildernessExodus 16:14-19
Moses Strikes the Rock for WaterExodus 17:1-7
Joshua Fights the AmalekitesExodus 17:8-13
The Ten CommandmentsExodus 20:1-17
Have No Other GodsExodus 20:2-3
Do Not Make IdolsExodus 20:4-6
Honour your Father and MotherExodus 20:12
Do Not Commit MurderExodus 20:13
Do Not Commit AdulteryExodus 20:14
Do Not StealExodus 20:15
The Golden CalfExodus 32:1-9
Moses and the Law of GodExodus 32:15-16
God gives the Law to MosesExodus 34:29-35
Components of the TabernacleExodus 36:8-38
The TabernacleExodus 40:6-33
The Sin OfferingLeviticus 4:32-35
The Spies with the Fruit of CanaanNumbers 13:17-33
The Serpent on the PoleNumbers 21:4-9
Crossing the Jordan RiverJoshua 3:1-17
The Walls of Jericho Fall DownJoshua 6
Israel Flees from AiJoshua 7:1-12
The Judgement of AchanJoshua 7:14-26
The Sun and the Moon Stand StillJoshua 10:1-14
Joshua Instructs the PeopleJoshua 24:1
Deborah Summons BarakJudges 4:4-9
God Helps Barak Defeat SiseraJudges 4:10-16
Jael Kills SiseraJudges 4:17-22
Israel CelebratesJudges 5:1-31
Gideon and the Angel of GodJudges 6:17-24
Gideon Destroys the IdolsJudges 6:25-32
Gideon's Army Drinks the WaterJudges 7:4-7
Gideon's men surround the Midian campJudges 7:12-25
Samson Kills a LionJudges 14:5-9
Samson Burns the Philistines' CropsJudges 15:1-8
The Philistines Cut Samson's HairJudges 16:18-22
Samson Destroys the PhilistinesJudges 16:23-31
A Family Flees from FamineRuth 1:1-5
Naomi and Ruth Return to IsraelRuth 1:6-22
Ruth in the Harvest FieldRuth 2:1-18
Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing FloorRuth 3:1-18
Boaz and the Elders of BethlehemRuth 4:1-12
Hannah Prays to God1 Samuel 1:1-20
The Child Samuel in the House of God1 Samuel 3:1-21
Samuel Prays for Israel1 Samuel 7:2-14
Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil1 Samuel 10:1
Saul Tears Samuel's Robe1 Samuel 15:24-29
David, The Brave Shepherd1 Samuel 17:34-37
David and the Giant1 Samuel 17:41-54
Saul Tries to Kill David1 Samuel 19:9-10
David Spares Saul's Life1 Samuel 26:1-25
David is Made King2 Samuel 5:1-4
David and Bathsheba2 Samuel 11:1-5
Solomon's Temple - A House for God1 Kings 6
The Birds Feed Elijah1 Kings 17:2-6
Elijah and the Prophets of Baal1 Kings 18:30-39
Elijah Goes to Heaven2 Kings 2:1-14
Naaman Visits Elisha's House2 Kings 5:1-12
Naaman in the River2 Kings 5:13-19
Elisha and the Army of God2 Kings 6:8-17
Elisha and the Blind Army2 Kings 6:18-23
The Siege of Samaria2 Kings 6:24 - 7:2
The Four Lepers2 Kings 7:3-11
Rejection of the Prophets2 Chronicles 36:15-16
Destruction of Jerusalem2 Chronicles 36:17-20
Nehemiah Before the Great KingNehemiah 2:1-6
Nehemiah Inspects the Ruined CityNehemiah 2:11-18
Building the WallsNehemiah 4:16-23
Ezra Reads the LawNehemiah 8:1-6
Mordecai Refuses to Bow DownEsther 3:1-6
Esther and the KingEsther 5:1-7
Esther's FeastEsther 7:3-7
Righteous Job Worships GodJob 1:1-12
Job in MourningJob 1:13-22
Job SuffersJob 2:4-10
Job is RestoredJob 42:10-17
Writer of PsalmsPsalms
DeathEcclesiastes 3:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Daniel and His FriendsDaniel 1:1-20
Daniel and the King of BabylonDaniel 2:1-49
The Image of GoldDaniel 3:1-7
The Furnace of FireDaniel 3:24-27
Daniel Prays to GodDaniel 6:6-15
Daniel in the Lions' DenDaniel 6:16-24
Jonah flees from GodJonah 1:1-7
Jonah and the Great FishJonah 1:17 - 2:10
Jonah at NinevehJonah 3:1-10
The Word of GodJohn 1:1; Hebrews 4:12
Zechariah and the Angel in the TempleLuke 1:5-22
A Saviour PromisedLuke 1:26-38
The Angel Speaks to MaryLuke 1:26-38
The Angel Speaks to MaryLuke 1:26-38
Birth of John the BaptistLuke 1:57-66
The Birth of JesusLuke 2:1-7
The Angel Speaks to JosephMatthew 1:18-25
The Birth of JesusLuke 2:8-15
The Shepherds and the AngelsLuke 2:8-15
Simeon and Jesus in the TempleLuke 2:21-39
The Visit of the Wise MenMatthew 2:1-12
Flight to EgyptMatthew 2:13-15
The Shepherds Visit Baby JesusLuke 2:15-18
Jesus the TeacherLuke 2:41-52, 4:14-15
The Boy Jesus at the TempleLuke 2:41-50
The Boy Jesus at the TempleLuke 2:41-50
The Message of John the BaptistMatthew 3:1-17; Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:3-18; John 1:29-34
The Baptism of JesusMatthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22
Jesus tested by Satan in the DesertMatthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
The Woman at the WellJohn 4:1-26
Christ in the BeginningJohn 1:4-5,9-14
Jesus Turns Water into WineJohn 2:1-11
Jesus Speaks to NicodemusJohn 3:1-21
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus at NightJohn 3:1-21
Walking in the LightJohn 3:19-21; 1 John 1:5-7
Don't Walk in the DarkJohn 3:20
Walk in the LightJohn 3:21
Jesus Teaches the PeopleLuke 4:14-15
Jesus Calls the First DisciplesMark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-3
Jesus drives out an Evil SpiritMark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37
Jesus Heals the BlindMatthew 4:24
Jesus Heals the SickMatthew 4:24
The Miracles of JesusMatthew 4:24
A Ruler Kneels before JesusJohn 4:46-54
Jesus Heals the Man at the PoolJohn 5:1-15
Jesus Teaches the PeopleMatthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:12-26
The Great Catch of FishLuke 5:1-11
A Light should be SeenMatthew 5:14-16
Turn the Other CheekMatthew 5:38-48; Luke 6:27-36
Love Your EnemiesMatthew 5:43-48; Luke 10:25-37
Love Your EnemiesMatthew 5:43-48
Teaching about Prayer and ForgivenessMatthew 6:5-15
The Bread of LifeJohn 6:35
God's ChildrenJohn 6:37-40
Jesus Raises a Widow's SonLuke 7:11-17
The Two RoadsMatthew 7:13-14
The Two Ways of LifeMatthew 7:13-14
The Two HousesMatthew 7:24-27
A Woman Washes Jesus' FeetLuke 7:36-50
The Woman Caught in AdulteryJohn 8:1-11
Jesus Touches a Man with LeprosyMatthew 8:2-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16
Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-LawMatthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41
Jesus Calms the StormMatthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25
Jesus Heals a Man with Many DemonsMatthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39
A Paralysed Man through the RoofMatthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26
Jesus Heals a Man Born BlindJohn 9:1-34
Jesus calls Matthew to Follow HimMatthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14; Luke 5:27-28
Jesus at Matthew's FeastMatthew 9:10-13; Mark 2:15-17; Luke 5:29-32
Jesus Heals a Woman in the CrowdMatthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:21-34; Luke 8:43-48
A Dead Girl is Raised to LifeMatthew 9:23-25; Mark 5:35-43; Luke 8:49-56
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve DisciplesMatthew 9:35 - 11:1; Mark 6:6-13; Luke 9:1-6
Parable of the Good ShepherdJohn 10:1-21
Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:25-37
Parable of the Good SamaritanLuke 10:30-37
Jesus at the Home of Mary and MarthaLuke 10:38-42
John the Baptist in PrisonMatthew 11:2-19
Parable of the Friend at MidnightLuke 11:5-9
Jesus Raises Lazarus from DeathJohn 11:38-44
Disciples Pick Grain on the SabbathMatthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5
Jesus Heals a Withered HandMatthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11
Parable of the Rich FoolLuke 12:13-21
Servants Ready for their Master's ReturnLuke 12:35-40
Jesus Casts Out Evil SpiritsMark 5:2-20
A Man Sows his SeedMatthew 13:3-9; Mark 4:2-9; Luke 8:5-8
Jesus Heals a Crippled WomanLuke 13:10-17
The Seed GrowsMatthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:13-20; Luke 8:11-15
John the Baptist BeheadedMark 6:21-29
Parable of the WeedsMatthew 13:24-30
Parable of the Hidden TreasureMatthew 13:44
Jesus Feeds Five ThousandMatthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:34-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-13
Parable of the Great FeastLuke 14:15-24
Jesus Walks on the WaterMatthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:14-21
Jesus Walks on the WaterMatthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:14-21
Traditions of the PhariseesMatthew 15:1-6
Parable of the Lost CoinLuke 15:8-10
If We SinLuke 15:11-32
Parable of the Lost SonLuke 15:11-13
The Lost Son Among the PigsLuke 15:11-19
The Lost Son Returns HomeLuke 15:20-24
The Faith of a Foreign WomanMatthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30
The Healing of a Deaf and Dumb ManMark 7:31-37
Peter's Confession of the ChristMatthew 16:13-27; Mark 8:27-38; Luke 9:18-27
The Beggar and the Rich ManLuke 16:19-21
Jesus Makes a Blind Man SeeMark 8:22-26
The Rich Man in HellLuke 16:22-31
Jesus with Moses and ElijahMatthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:1-13; Luke 9:28-36
Jesus Heals Ten LepersLuke 17:11-19
Jesus Heals a Boy with a DemonMatthew 17:14-20; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42
Peter Pays the Temple TaxMatthew 17:24-27
Parable of the Persistent WidowLuke 18:1-8
Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?Matthew 18:1-6; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48
The Pharisee and the Tax CollectorLuke 18:9-14
Parable of the Lost SheepMatthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:1-7
Parable of the Unforgiving ServantMatthew 18:21-35
Jesus and the ChildrenMatthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17
Jesus and the Rich Young ManMatthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-23
Parable of Workers in the VineyardMatthew 20:1-16
Blind Bartimaeus Receives His SightMatthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:45-52; Luke 18:35-43
Jesus Anointed at BethanyMatthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:1-9; John 12:1-8
Jesus and ZacchaeusLuke 19:1-10
Jesus Comes into JerusalemMatthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19
Jesus drives Traders from the TempleMatthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46; John 2:13-17
Parable of the Wicked TenantsMatthew 21:33-41; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-16
Paying Taxes to CaesarMatthew 22:15-22; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:20-26
The Poor Widow's OfferingMark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4
Jesus Teaches about the End TimesMatthew 24:1-14; Mark 13:1-13; Luke 21:5-19
Jesus Will ReturnMatthew 24:30-31; Revelation 1:5-8
Parable of the Ten VirginsMatthew 25:1-13
Parable of the TalentsMatthew 25:14-30
Parable of the Sheep and the GoatsMatthew 25:31-46
Bearing FruitJohn 15:1-8
Jesus Will ReturnJohn 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Teaching about the True VineJohn 15:1-17
Jesus Washes the Disciples' FeetLuke 22:7-30; John 13:1-17
Judas Iscariot Betrays JesusMatthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6
Teaching at the Last SupperMatthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:1-2,10-31; Luke 22:17-20
Jesus Prays in GethsemaneMatthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46
Jesus ArrestedMatthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:32-72; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-12
Jesus Tried Before the High PriestMatthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; Luke 22:54-65; John 18:19-23
Peter Denies JesusMatthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27
Jesus Tried Before PilateMatthew 27:11-26; Mark 15:1-15; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28 - 19:15
The Soldiers Mock JesusMark 15:16-20
Jesus Led Out to be CrucifiedMatthew 27:31-34; Mark 15:20-23; Luke 23:26-33; John 19:16-30
Jesus is CrucifiedMark 15:22-32
Jesus and the Two CriminalsMatthew 27:38-44; Luke 23:32-49; John 19:16-18
The Death of JesusLuke 23:44-49; John 19:17-30; Romans 5:6-8
The Burial of JesusMatthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42
Peter and John at the Empty TombLuke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9
The ResurrectionLuke 24:1-9
The Women at the Empty TombMatthew 28:1-7
Jesus Appears to Mary at the TombJohn 20:11-18
Jesus on the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35
Jesus Appears to His DisciplesMark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-23
Jesus Appears to ThomasJohn 20:24-29
Saved by BelievingJohn 20:24-29
Jesus Commissions His DisciplesMatthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:3-8
Jesus Is Alive after DeathMatthew 28:16-20
Jesus Appears to His Friends in GalileeJohn 21:1-14
WitnessingMatthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
Jesus at God's Right Hand in HeavenMark 16:19; Acts 7:56; Revelation 3:21
Jesus Ascends into HeavenLuke 24:50-53
The AscensionActs 1:9-11
The Holy Spirit Comes at PentecostActs 2:1-4
The Holy Spirit Comes with FireActs 2:1-4
Peter Preaches a Sermon to the PeopleActs 2:14-41
The First ChurchActs 2:42-47
A Crippled Beggar is HealedActs 3:1-10
Peter and the Woman who LiedActs 5:1-11
Stephen is KilledActs 7:54 - 8:1
The Ethiopian TravellerActs 8:26-40
The Conversion of SaulActs 9:1-9
Blind Paul and AnaniasActs 9:11-19
Peter's Vision of the AnimalsActs 10:9-16
Peter and CorneliusActs 10:24-33
Peter in PrisonActs 12:1-11
Peter Delivered from PrisonActs 12:12-18
The Church Sends Paul and BarnabasActs 13:1-3
Paul and Barnabus Set Sail by ShipActs 13:4
Paul Preaches in the SynagoguesActs 13:4-52
Paul StonedActs 14:19
Paul's Vision of the ManActs 16:6-10
Paul and Silas in the EarthquakeActs 16:22-28
The Philippian Jailer CovertedActs 16:29-34
Paul and the Altar to the Unknown GodActs 17:22-34
Paul is Taken to Court in CorinthActs 18:12-17
Burning of Idols and ScrollsActs 19:18-20
Burning of the Ephesians' Magic BooksActs 19:18-20
Soldiers Rescue Paul from the JewsActs 21:31-40
Paul Preaches to KingsActs 25:23-27
Paul and the ShipwreckActs 27:27-44
Paul as a Prisoner in RomeActs 28:16-31
Paul ImprisonedActs 28:16
Map of the MediterraneanRomans 1:20
Map of the WorldRomans 10:17-18
Resist Temptation1 Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7
Meeting for Worship1 Corinthians 11:23-34; Hebrews 10:24-25
The Body of Christ1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Ephesians 4:11-16
How Christians Should LiveGalatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 4:22-32
ImmoralityGalatians 5:19
IdolatoryGalatians 5:20
AngerEphesians 4:26
StealingEphesians 4:28
The Christian FamilyEphesians 5:21 - 6:4
The Soldier for GodEphesians 6:10-18
The Empty CrossHebrews 12:2
SicknessJames 5:13-16
Paul Dictates a Letter1 Peter 5:12