GRN and the Local Church

GRN and the Local Church

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A Sydney church has adopted a language group in the Solomon Islands. They are sponsoring the recording and will then send a team to distribute the recordings.

GRN partners with local churches to encourage and equip their members for outreach in their own communities and overseas. Our mission statement reads:

"In partnership with the church, to effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ by means of culturally appropriate audio and audiovisual materials in every language."

Here are some examples of how we do this:

'Adopt a Language' Initiative

This initiative enables a local church to play a significant role in reaching one of the world's least reached language groups. GRN has identified some minority languages that we understand still have no christian materials in them. When a church adopts one of these languages we will work with them to put together a program that will enable the church to:

  • Focus prayer on the language group
  • Raise funds for the recording of materials in the language (typically $4,000 to $8,000)
  • Send a short term mission team from the church to distribute the materials. This can involve giving out CDs and mp3 players or playing the recordings in community settings such as schools and village squares.

GRN provides opportunities in various countries in Europe, Asia and South America.

Cross Cultural Evangelism

Many churches struggle to reach people from other languages and cultures in their communities. Our materials enable them to communicate the gospel by simply giving out a CD or a link to our website. For example, one church runs English as a Second Language classes. In one class during a coffee break the instructor downloaded 'The Good News' recording in Mandarin so that members of the class could listen. There was a lot of interest and some took the website address to be able to look for their own language later. Please consider encouraging your church to join the 'Adopt a Language' initiative. It will be extremely rewarding for the church to be able to work together and make a difference.

Short Term Missions

GRN runs short term missions to some of the least reached language groups in the world in Asia, Euope and South America. Often the trips consist of distributing recently made recordings. It's an incredible way to share the gospel. We can tailor a mission for your church, or you can apply to join one of our teams.

Language Helpers

If your church has members from other languages and cultures then why not encourage them to assist us as language helpers. For example, we are currently partnering with a Burmese church in Sydney, to make recordings for oral communicators living in the rural areas in the Wa community in Burma. Its Wa speaking members will come to our Sydney studios and record the stories. The recordings will then be taken to the Wa so that they can hear the story of Jesus in their own language.

Please Pray with us for:

  • More churches to partner with GRN on the 'Adopt a Language' initiative.
  • Opportunities for you or your church to use GRN materials for cross cultural evangelism.
  • Team members to join our short term missions.
  • Language helpers in Sydney willing and able to help make recordings.


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