A Global Challenge

A Global Challenge

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Local churches may be small, but they can still be growing, mission minded and prayerful.
Story telling at the Bawm Baptist Church at Bandarban

How do we help national churches in developing countries to catch the vision of GRN, and to support the ministry through their people, prayers and finances?

During a recent visit to a Pacific island, the local GRN team spoke to us of this challenge.

The local church recognises the value of our materials in their own language, and uses them. They are very willing to help with translating Bible teaching into their own language and with recording it.

But the idea of helping neighbouring language groups benefit from the same resources does not come naturally. They are used to receiving from missionaries, so the idea of contributing to the work is too often a foreign concept.

This conversation was recently repeated with GRN leaders from Africa and Asia. They face the same challenge. They have endless opportunities to record and distribute the good news of Jesus Christ. There is often no shortage of willing workers. But supporting and paying them is another question.

Ideally national churches would be supporting GRN in ways like the following:

  • Serving by joining boards to guide the work.
  • Seeing local GRN recordists as church missionaries and supporting them prayerfully and financially.
  • Making introductions to other language groups, and sharing the value that they obtained from using GRN's resources.
  • Getting permission from neighbouring villages for GRN to come and record, and helping to source the language translators.

The heart of GRN is to work alongside the local church. We want to provide our experience and resources to assist them. But it works best when the local churches drive the work in their own nation.

Local churches in these nations are often growing, mission minded and prayerful. They may work together to send a missionary to another country. But how do we encourage them to work with GRN to send a missionary to the minority languages in their own country? How do we encourage these churches to pray for their partnership with GRN, to set aside their people to serve with GRN, and to give sacrificially to enable the work to prosper? Please pray with us for wisdom.

The world is changing. You only have to watch the news to see chaos and financial distress in nations once stable and prosperous. Finances from nations that traditionally have heavily funded missions are no longer so freely available. However many nations which have received the gospel through the missionary movement of recent centuries are becoming more prosperous. Consider changes in nations such as South Korea, China and Kenya.

Finances from nations that traditionally have heavily funded missions are no longer so freely available

Change is never easy but, if we are going to fulfil our mission of "Telling the story of Jesus in every language", it is vital that we do. James Chapter One assures us that when we lack wisdom we should ask God and He will give it.

Please pray with us:

  • Ask our Lord to guide GRN as we seek to work with His church in many nations.
  • Pray for churches throughout the world to partner with us in ministry.
  • Ask for wisdom for GRN leadership as we seek to follow God's leading and for the provision of new workers all around the world.
  • And of course pray that recordings would be made and used by God to bring the lost into His kingdom.


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