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From "Echos Nouvelles d'GRN"
Pastor Marc Dounia, GRN's co-ordinator in Republic of Central Africa, and John Dibosky, a GRN team member, met up with Pastor Joseph from Cameroon. Joseph had received some recordist training a few years back from Australians Kim Knight and Noel Bachelor.
Leaving Bangui, the group travelled to Mbaiki. They met with the village chief and ministers from churches close by. There was the customary exchange of courtesies. The people gathered. "Looking at them our hearts were deeply moved. These people are living in a kind of double poverty, spiritual and material."
They visited Moale, where there are 28 camps of Pygmies. Joseph writes "This area is an outreach by the Brethren Church of Central Africa. We were there to make recordings of the Words of Life (Biblical messages and songs) in their own language. We were also on the look out for local evangelists who wanted training so they would be better equipped.
Many of the areas of other Pygmy camps were deep in the bush, sometimes up to 100 kms away. The only way to visit them was to walk in. We gathered together folk to look at the large Good News picture books. Then we went to the village, visiting individual families and sharing with them. Here we could record messages, Words of Life and songs in their Pygmy language."
Many accepted the Lord. There is currently a large door of opportunity open for this unreached people. Through their leaders they invited Joseph to come back on a regular basis. "Our village is your village," they said.
The people not only need the Gospel, but also follow-up. Before they left, they formed a GRN RCA team (members and evangelists) and equipped them with a stock of Bible pictures and Messenger players with cassettes in their heart language. The team will work actively with the Evangelical Brethren Mission of the Republic of Central Africa. Pastor Marc Dounia invited Joseph to coordinate the use of GRN materials in this country. He hopes to go at least three times a year to continue to train them in this work. What an immense endeavour!
"We have seen the poverty and poor health of these people. We brought some presents. We also conducted the repair of a few huts belonging to elderly people who sleep almost under the stars."
Here is a response from Paul Tao Kalou, Patriarch of the Beka Pygmies -
"Many thanks to the Lord who spoke to me through picture 31 of the Good News. I have decided to give my life to Christ because I was like a madman. I would be like a man of God. Please come back to bring us the Good News which we need here in the bush".
"GRN Chad thanks the Lord for MICCAO - three large meetings in which they participated actively. These meetings were aimed to kick-start action for the mobilizing churches for mission and for commencing to train missionaries from the Chad Christian assemblies. Despite former difficulties, we now have an office. We aim to grow the work amongst our 417 language groups. Chad has a population of approx. ten million people. GRN's aim is to become much more visible in our own country."
"We are grateful to the Lord for his protection and support . He gives us harmony in the team. Travel and movements are risky in Africa, but the Lord protects us, and provides for us with the means to do the work.
Our latest news is that a new language has been recorded in Northern Togo called TEM. We have already done some distribution."
"Their team is grateful to the Lord for the work that was done in this country during 2011, namely evangelism and mass distribution of thousands of CDs. Did you know that our country is the largest consumer of CDs in the sub-region. We are looking to developing partnerships with local churches in the coming year."
"The year 2011 saw the establishment of several partnerships with local churches and some para-church organizations. Several projects in process will continue for the new year. We take this opportunity to thank the Lord and all the people He used to enable us to accomplish this immense work."