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1. NEW YEAR'S DAY - Give thanks for recordings in almost 7,200 different languages and dialects. Pray that these messages will be heard by people God has prepared to hear the Gospel. Pray for the hearers to come to faith and to become disciples of Jesus.
2. CANADA - The postal strike had greatly affected the year-end giving to GRN Canada. Our deficit for 2024, especially to the General Fund has been a real concern for the Board and the missionaries. Pray with us that 2025 will see a turn around for the ministry as we see increased giving.
3. CANADA - Last year there was great hope that a new director would help expand awareness and giving to GRN Canada. We are thankful for the opportunities that Mark had in sharing about the ministry of GRN. Unfortunately, this did not result in significant giving to the ministry. Pray for the Board as they consider the next steps for the ministry.
4. UK - Praise God for the new Director of GRN UK, Sanjay Sanil, and his wife Mary. Pray for wisdom for Sanjay as he now takes over the leadership role from Kenny McKee.
5. KENYA - Pray for Yousif and Vivian who are from Australia, currently living and working in Nairobi, Kenya, on recording assignment. Also, please continue to pray for Walter and James our national missionaries.
6. MEXICO - CULIACAN PROJECT 2025 - The annual distribution outreach to migrant workers takes place in Culiacan, Mexico from 12th January until 7th February. Our Mexican Director Chucho writes: "Last year, we were able to distribute recordings in nearly 90 different languages. Over 60 volunteers participated, and we are praying for more workers to be able to cover the more than 100 agricultural camps. The volunteers come from different churches, different ages, and even whole families." Pray that those who receive an SD card or digital recording will listen and give their lives to the Lord.
7. UK - Sanjay, the new UK Director, expresses his deep gratitude to Kenny McKee and his wife Joan for their faithful leadership of GRN UK over the past years. They gave from their heart as they served together in the leadership of the UK and as Kenny recorded many languages over the years. Pray for Sanja, as he builds on the foundation they have laid.
8. USA - Pray for Bryan Wilson (US Director), as he settles into the leadership role, gets to know the staff and understands how the US office fits into the organization internationally. Ask our Lord to provide much needed personnel for the US office as they seek to rebuild.
9. GRN Philippines - Give thanks for the recent recording trip to Davao City in the Philippines. Pray for the editing and programming of those recordings. Pray for Hannah (recordist) as she travels back to Davao, to assist the translation team with the script for a target minority language.
10. KENYA - Praise God for the great work that the Kenya team has been able to do over the years. They have recorded many languages in Kenya but also in neighbouring countries. Pray that 2025 will open many new opportunities for them to record new languages and to see increased distribution of GRN materials.
11. GRN INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP - Pray for wisdom and guidance for the Tim Strauss (International leader), as he guides the leadership of GRN globally. The leadership team makes decisions that impact the mission's outreach and effectiveness.
12. CANADA - Pray for Ruth Horan, as she checks and updates recording information in the database. Languages need to be identified as accurately as possible, so people can find their language easily in the 5fish app. Pray for accuracy and attention to detail.
13. SPAIN - Pray for the team in Spain and for the translation and recording of the Tumi Tiger script for traumatized children into Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
14. BANGLADESH - Pray for Milton and Moloy in Bangladesh. Pray for God's guidance and protection to be over all areas of their lives and ministry. May they rejoice, persevere and be encouraged, even as they work in a difficult place.
15. CANADA - David Elliott asks for prayer as he finalizes the finances for 2024 and prepares the tax receipts in the coming days. Pray for accuracy in compiling the needed information.
16. GRN Nigeria - The Nigerian leader Kish is planning for their annual medical outreach which will happen in March. Please pray for the medical personnel, evangelists, and all the needed resources to come together to allow this much appreciated ministry to help a needy community physically and spiritually.
17. CANADA - Marian Elliott and Ruth Horan, jointly taken on the responsibility to write and do the layout for the GRN Canada Update. Praise God for their willingness to take on this task. The December issue was their first joint project.
18. BRAZIL - Pray for Dionara, and for the rebuilding and future of our ministry in Brazil.
19. CANADA - Diane Roberts, financial assistant volunteers her time to help David in looking after the QuickBooks financials. We give thanks for willingness to serve in this way. Pray for her as she continues in 2025 to serve GRN Canada, as she is able.
20. GRN INTERNATIONAL - The GRN website at https://globalrecordings.net promotes the ministry of GRN around the world and enables people to find out about languages and download GRN recordings. Pray for Rob McDonell who is the webmaster for this important site.
21. TOGO and GRN SIERRA LEONE - Praise God for ability to use the internet to provide technical assistance to Togo and Sierra Leone. Please pray for them and their continuing work in recording and sharing the gospel.
22. REKORDO APP - Continue to pray for development of the new Rekordo app, which is designed to help GRN recording teams do their research, planning and recording. Pray for David M, David N, Tim, James and Rob from the Australian Information Systems team who all have a role in developing this software.
23. Recording Training - Graydon Colville (Australia), is involved in several ways with the Asian recording team training and regional team meeting planned for Thailand in February. Please pray for the preparations.
24. EASTERN EUROPE - GRN currently has no bases in Eastern Europe. Recently, European Director Sam Bouix met with a couple from Poland, who are seeking God's will for their future and wondering if GRN might be part of it. Pray for God's leading in this matter.
25. THAILAND - Praise God that the team was able to go to South Thailand recently. They distributed 120 mp3 players with New Testament and other GRN recordings to Moken speakers across two countries. Please pray God will use these recordings to help the Moken people grow in their knowledge and love for Christ.
26. 5FISH APP DEVELOPMENT TEAM - Please pray for the 5fish software development team as they rewrite the website in 2025; taking advantage of GRN's modern application platform. The project aims to improve the experiences of people using the website, while making it easier to improve and maintain.
27. BELGIUM - GRN has a small operation in Belgium. Pray for the work there, both with refugees and migrants in their country, and for the support they are offering to a partner in Ukraine.
28. CANADA - Pray for GRN Canada as they prepare for their first meeting in 2025. Pray that God will guide them as they reflect upon the past year and consider how to go forward in a positive way as we start a new year with new hopes and aspirations.
29. SCRIPT TEAM - Pray for the Script Team, as they look at ways to improve the script library and help recording teams make good choices regarding what material they record.
30. GRN's RESOURCES - Please continue to pray for effective promotion of our resources, for increased use of 5fish. We give thanks for the people who enthusiastically share 5fish with others. Pray that God would continue to raise up evangelists for the many needy people groups in the world.
31. BE FAITHFUL IN PRAYER - "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." (Colossians 4: 2-3 NIV)