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1. CANADA - The postal strike comes at a bad time for charities, as December tends to be a time when giving goes up before the end of the year. Pray that people will find other ways of giving to charities other than by normal mail.
2. CANADA - The Board is meeting this evening via Zoom. Pray that they will be able to set a course for 2025 that will be a positive step for the future of GRN Canada.
3. KENYA - They are in the process of starting to record the Bondei language in Tanzania. They had to stop the project temporarily as violence broke out between the Christians and the Muslim group in the area. There were two churches burned and a Mosque. Pray that peace would be restored in the area so the recording project may resume.
4. CANADA - The GRN newsletter is being held up from being mailed due to the postal strike. Ruth Horan and Marian Elliott are working on it so that it can be mailed out as soon as the postal strike is over. Pray for them as they work on it.
5. CANADA - Mark Griffin was laid off as the Canadian Director the end of October. Mark is in the process of looking for ministry opportunities that will compliment his gifting. Pray that the Lord will open up a ministry opportunity for him soon.
6. AUSTRALIA - Pray for the team in Australia working on recording the Bible in the Knoi language spoken by aboriginal groups in several parts of the country. A number of women are working hard on this project, reading the Bible books aloud so they can be recorded.
7. UKRAINE - Sam Bouix, the GRN European Director gives thank for his church in Sisteron (France) who prepared and packed 500 Tumi Tigers bound for the Ukraine with a German Mission. Pray that traumatized children will receive these and be comforted
8. CANADA - David Elliott, has taken on additional responsibilities since Mark Griffin is no longer with the mission. Pray for David, as he seeks to meet the administrative needs of the mission. Pray that a new person with the gifting and financial support will come available in the coming year.
9. NEPAL - Give thanks for our co-workers in Nepal. Pray for GRN's recordings to be widely known to the growing church. Pray that many unsaved people will listen and accept the message through our 5fish app, mp3 players and SD cards. Pray for better audio-visual resources in local languages and more scripture recordings.
10. PAKISTAN - Pray for the GRN team in Pakistan who do amazing work of recording many languages in their country and beyond. Pray for safety and courage for the team as they share the Good News in the many languages there.
11. MEXICO - Praise God for our GRN Mexico team who are busy with many recording projects. Mexican Director Chucho writes: "Praise God for the recordings made by Chuy and Yovana among the Zoque people as well as the research carried out." Also, "Praise God for the Baja project. The coordinators Jose and Guille, are almost ready for this new outreach among the migrant ethnic groups of Mexico in Baja California."
12. KENYA - Continue to pray for Yousif and Vivan who are currently living and working in Nairobi, Kenya, on a recording assignment. Pray for Yousif, as he continues with his editing and programming work and as he plans future recordings.
13. CANADA - Pray for Diane Roberts, as she does the final payroll for 2024 and makes sure our payroll information is up to date for the T4 slips can be finalized in January.
14. NIGERIA - Please Pray for Kish and Joshua who direct the work in Nigeria. Despite facing many difficulties and struggles, they continue to record many of the languages in their country. Give thanks for the churches and other missions who partner them in this work.
15. CANADA - Pray for Kevin and Ruth Horan, as they make time for their family over the school holidays. Also pray that they will be blessed in their ministries for the Lord.
16. CAMEROON - Cameroon Director Joseph Ndiba, and his team are trying to involve the local churches in taking responsibility for mission in their country. Pray they will find many churches prepared to partner with GRN. Continue to pray for the need to find and train more French-speaking recordists, especially useful for Francophone Africa.
17. JAPAN - Pray for the Tsugaru recording project. Pray that Geoff Wong can work and communicate well with churches in Aomori, Northern Japan. We hope to record Gospel messages that engage Tsugaru speaking people.
18. CANADA - Since the start of the Canadian office it has provided thousands of recordings in 100's of languages in Canada and abroad. Pray now for the 5Fish App to expand the distribution of the valuable GRN recordings in over 6,500 languages.
19. MYANMAR - Myanmar continues to endure a terrible situation. Pray for God's people there to bear faithful witness during difficult times. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the trouble. Pray for GRN recordings to be discovered by many, to bring salvation and comfort.
20. MALAWI - Recordist Joel, accompanied by another believer, were able to share GRN messages with a group of 50 people. The response was very positive. The team was also able to record some Scripture passages for the group, and continuing translations are in progress.
21. INDIA -Pray for Allisha in India, as he plans recordings in the Chamari language. He will also be travelling to Thailand for recordist training.
22. SOUTH AFRICA - Please pray for their co-worker Patricia. She has started to translate the Tumi Tiger script into Isizulu, the language of a geographical area where trauma is endemic.
23. INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR - VPray for Tim Strauss in his role as International Director, and as he works on finishing his doctorate. Ask for wisdom, peace and understanding.
24. GRN WORLDWIDE - Give thanks for GRN centres and bases in over 40 different countries. Pray for God's strengthening of them, good partnerships with the local church and for effective ministry. Pray for the expansion of God's kingdom through the ministry of GRN worldwide.
25. On behalf of the GRN Canada Board and staff we wish you a blessed Christmas day.
26. Recordings - India, Indonesia, Papual/New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu all have many thousands of languages spoken. We thank the Lord that some are recorded but pray that opportunities will open up to make further recording in these countries.
27. MEXICO - The team has already been preparing for the 2025 outreach in Culiacan. Pray that many people will volunteer to help with the outreach.
28. UNITED KINGDOM - Pray for Kenny and Joan McKee, as they start their retirement. Pray the Lord will richly bless them and their family. Thank God for all they have done for Him with GRNUK over many year
29. PEACE - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 War and the threat of war is ever constant in the news these days. Pray that peace that Jesus gives would triumph in both Ukraine and the middle east.
30. CANADA - This has been a tough year for GRN Canada regarding a lack of finances to meet the need. Pray that there will be an increase of finances in 2025.
31. UNITED KINGDOM - Pray for Sanjay Sanil, as he takes over as the new GRNUK director from January 2025. Pray that he will have wisdom as he sorts out priorities and picks up on outstanding issues.