Jesus is Bigger than Spirits

Jesus is Bigger than Spirits

Översikt: Refers to local custom of protecting from spirits. Discussion of Jesus' power and willingness to protect. Sinner's prayer.

Skriptnummer: 159

Språk: English

Tema: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons)

Publik: Animist

Ändamål: Evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

Status: Approved

Skript är grundläggande riktlinjer för översättning och inspelning till andra språk. De bör anpassas efter behov för att göra dem begripliga och relevanta för olika kulturer och språk. Vissa termer och begrepp som används kan behöva mer förklaring eller till och med ersättas eller utelämnas helt.


1. Good morning. How are you?
2. I am fine.

1. What are you doing?
2. I am stringing this plant. I will hang it around my child's neck. It will keep him from getting sick.

1. Does it really always prevent sickness?
2. Almost always.

1. Almost ... (said slowly) Are you afraid that your child might get sick even with this plant?
2. I don't know.

1. I can see you are trying to protect your son (child). I can tell you where you can find real protection from spirits.
2. How is this? Are you friendly to dead one's spirits? Do you talk to dead one's spirits?

1. No. I am speaking about Jesus Christ. Although He really died, Jesus' body became alive again. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ died. Because He came back to life again, He has power over all spirits. The spirits you fear are weak. You should trust Jesus.
2. I wish they _were_ weak! Because you are ignorant, you just don't know.

1. Have you tried Jesus Christ?
2. No, How is it?

1. What is that in your gourd?
2. A ripe banana.

1. You don't eat that, do you?
2. I most certainly do.

1. Ripe bananas are not good.
2. Have you eaten a ripe banana?

1. No, if I did, I would get a toothache.
2. Because you are ignorant, you just don't know.

1. That's right. If I don't try it, I am ignorant and deceived. You know the real truth because you have eaten the banana. Ignorantly rejecting Jesus is like ignorantly rejecting this banana. Jesus is good. He will protect you from spirits. I know. I tried Him. Would you like to know Jesus Christ's power?
2. Yes. How?

1. Take Jesus right now to be your Saviour and Chief.
2. How do I do that?

1. God knows your heart. He doesn't listen for nice talk. You may say something like this: "Dear Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying for my sins. I ask you to come into my life and be my Saviour and Master. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life."

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