Story Producer 004 - Storm short demo RR
Outline: Matt. 14; Mark 6; John 6
Broj skripte: 1254
Jezik: English
Publika: General
Svrha: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Status: Approved
Skripte su osnovne smernice za prevođenje i snimanje na druge jezike. Treba ih prilagoditi po potrebi kako bi bili razumljivi i relevantni za svaku različitu kulturu i jezik. Neki termini i koncepti koji se koriste možda će trebati dodatno objašnjenje ili čak biti zamenjeni ili potpuno izostavljeni.
Script Tekt
Title Ideas:
Jesus overcomes the storm!
This is a short demo.
Jesus told his disciples to sail across the big lake while he prayed by himself.
During the night, a strong wind and storm came up threatening to capsize the disciple’s boat.
In the night, Jesus came to his disciples [who were in the boat]. He was walking on the water [as someone walks on hard ground!]
The disciples saw Jesus and shouted, “Look!! It is a ghost [spirit]!!”
Jesus called to them, “Have courage! It is I, Jesus! Trust me. Don’t be afraid!”
When Jesus got into the boat, everything became calm.