TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ - Limba, West-Central: Western
Da li je ovaj snimak koristan?
Biblijske pouke o životu i službi Isusa Hrista. Svaki od njih koristi izbor od 8-12 slika iz veće serije The Living Christ 120 slika.
Broj programa: 67868
Dužina programa: 14:35
Naziv jezika: Limba, West-Central: Western
Preuzimanja i naručivanje
1. The resurrection of Christ; Uvod
2. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 108 (The Crucifixion)
3. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 109 (The Burial of Jesus)
4. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 110 (The Women at the Tomb)
5. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 111 (Peter and John at the Empty Tomb)
6. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 112 (Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene)
7. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 113 (Jesus on the Road to Emmaus)
8. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 114 (Jesus Appears to His Disciples)
9. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 115 (Jesus Appears to Thomas)
10. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 116 (Jesus Appears in Galilee)
11. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 117 (Jesus Commissions His Disciples)
12. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 118 (Jesus Ascends into Heaven)
13. The resurrection of Christ; Slika 119 (Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven)
Preuzimanja i naručivanje
Ovi snimci su dizajnirani za evangelizaciju i osnovno biblijsko učenje kako bi evanđelsku poruku doneli ljudima koji nisu pismeni ili su iz usmene kulture, posebno grupama nedosegnutih ljudi.
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