People can't stop listening to GRN Recordings

People can't stop listening to GRN Recordings

Ova stranica trenutno nije dostupna u Srpski. 

While GRN doesn't look for feedback to improve our product, 'The story of Jesus in every Language', we certainly love to hear from those who are listening to the recordings and the impact they have.

The internet reaches nearly every corner of the world. This means there is potential for the recordings to be heard everywhere. We hear of people sending them to each other via Facebook, putting them onto their own blogs and websites, and onto YouTube and other file sharing sites.

What Do People Say About Us?

Recording in Shona

"Thank you so much for what you are doing! I moved to America almost four years ago and have been yearning for some worship music in the style of my home. I am so blessed by this! God bless you all". (Emma)


God's word in Nama-Namibia language

"Let me forward my thanks to you for really helping me understand God's word in a better language that I understand, may you please put more recorded voices so that when at work I may listen like I do, it has changed my life at home and at work". (K..)


"Hi, I was amazed and happy to find evangelism recorded in my language (Odual language). It's absolutely wonderful. I speak it but it's so rare to find anyone who does especially in UK where I reside". (J..)


"Just to express my gratitude to all of you for having made this Kirundi audio. It's really fantastic, I enjoyed listening to the word of God. Keep improving it. Praying for you.

Blessings in Christ" (M..)


"I am very happy to hear my language on your network while surfing the internet. I want to know how I can be of help both in interpreting other material to Yagba language as well as financial contribution as the Lord provides for me. I live and work in Lagos state". (F..)


"Your ministry is very awesome! I´ve used your tapes for twenty years among the Nahuatl people of the Huasteca area and they were very successful. Thanks for your Holy Work. I am a Nahuatl Jew and I share the Gospel to these poor Indian people. I am still praying for you, Amen!" (K..)


"Thank you so very much for providing the words of life audio recordings in the Teso language. The messages are so uplifting even my grandmother appreciates it". (O..)


"I am a Tepehua¡n Indian adopted by the missionaries Brett and Louise. I was a child when these recording were made in the tribe. I remember men from Gospel Recordings coming to our home and going out with my father to the tribe to record these stories. My parents are in heaven now, and we had lost track of the records. I was so excited to find them again.


"Many Indians have asked me if they knew where we could get a copy. I am so happy to have been able to find them again. I will download them for a personal copy, but I would like to learn how to get more than one copy. Thank you for your service to spreading the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many souls will be in Heaven because of what this mission has accomplished". (A...)


"Thank you for your service to spreading the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many souls will be in Heaven because of what this mission has accomplished". (A...)


"I am an Adjoukru living in UK for the past 15 years. It is only now that I have discovered your site. For the first time I have listened to my mother tongue via the internet and I can assure you it is fantastic. I cannot stop listening . Congratulations for the good work". (B..)


"Your recordings are played to a 99 year old Haitian great-grandfather who is blind and in a nursing home - bedridden due to a stroke. He is deeply faithful. He can scarcely speak but his appreciation of your resources is evident on his face. Since he has no English and little French, the staff can't talk to him very well". (G..)


"I listened to the good news recordings in the Kissi Language with great excitement and joy. You did an excellent job to spread the good news of Jesus Christ particularly among my people and the other tribes of the world. God bless you all. I speak Kissi but not fluently as before, after leaving home (Kamiendor, Sierra Leone near the Guinea border). Listening to your recordings refreshes my tongue and will help me one day when I go back home to preach the gospel to my Kissi people in Kono district.

Once more I say, God bless you and expand your ministry". (Pastor Komba)


"Good morning! I am a missionary with New Tribes Mission and have been working with the Palaka in Cote d'Ivoire since the late eighties. I am presently working on the translation of the NT. A friend of mine just posted the Prodigal Son recording on my Facebook page. Wow, was I surprised, and delighted! I saw the other stories as well, and am wondering what would be involved in funding and making future recordings possible. Could you provide more information? We do have an operable, or it was last summer, radio station. Would also love to be able to send recordings out to the 30+ Palaka villages via audio players. Thanks for your help!" (Denise)


"Thought you might be interested in the attached images. I managed to get to a village for a week to hopefully get on with some work quietly on my computer but I found there was no electricity at all for a week! I had taken a Saber to give to the church leader there but then we went to a few places to try it out. First we showed it to one of the church ladies - she is 73! Fortunately she could understand the language and then visited a few other people - including some people we just met on the path!

The player did break after a couple of days but I was able to open it with a pair of scissors to find that the belt had come off. No idea how that happened but I think there had been some over enthusiastic winding!"

Srodne informacije

Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

Resources for evangelism and Bible teaching - Global Recordings Network produces audio materials in thousands of languages for evangelism and basic Bible teaching, along with picture books and audio players.

Recordings - Read stories and testimonies of God's transforming power working through GRN audio recordings.