Telling the Story of Jesus in Every Language

Telling the Story of Jesus in Every Language

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A recording session in progress.
Recording outdoors
Sharing the gospel in Peru while on short term mission

By His blood, our Lord Jesus ransomed for God people from every tribe and language and people and nation.
(Rev 5:9)

GRN is a part of God's plan to reach the nations! It is GRN's mission to tell the story of Jesus in EVERY LANGUAGE!

"We believe no tribe is too small, no language is too obscure and no village is too remote to hear the good news of Jesus in their own heart language."

GRN has produced audio recordings of Bible stories, simple Bible teaching and Bible portions in over 6,000 languages. However, a particular focus is for the small language groups of just a few hundred or a few thousand speakers. Often there is no translation of the Bible in these languages, and even where there is, often there are many oral communicators who can't make good use of printed materials. Yet each speaker of the language is precious to God!

It is a real privilege to know so clearly how we fit into God's plan. We hope you enjoy these stories of some of those involved in our mission to tell the story of Jesus in EVERY LANGUAGE:


Lucas* is a Mexican farm worker who congregates annually with thousands of others in Culiacan to harvest the crops. The workers speak hundreds of different languages. Each year a GRN team goes and visits the workers in their camps. They identified the language Lucas spoke, and then burned a CD of the Good News in his language. Lucas and hundreds of others like him headed for home with the good news of Jesus in their hands.
* name changed


Rahul* lives in a small town in Northern India and has access to the internet. Last month over 9,500 hours of GRN recordings were downloaded by people like Rahul. That's over 300 hours per day! Our website and apps allow people from all over the world to listen to, and share the good news of Jesus in their own heart language.
* name changed


Pam and Alan went from Australia to Uganda when they were in their sixties. They don't speak the local languages well, but they have a GRN Saber mp3 player and a flipchart. Every week they enter a local jail with some local Christians. They play several Bible stories to the prisoners in their own heart language. Up to 150 prisoners at a time hear the Good News about Jesus. Scores of prisoners have responded to the message they have heard.


Graci is a GRN recordist in Brazil, and is one of the 60 active recordists GRN has worldwide. Like the others, she spends her time researching language groups where Christian resources are scarce or non-existent. She then goes to the community, develops a relationship with them and then works with them to translate the Good News in culturally appropriate ways. Finally, she records it using mother tongue speakers, so that the people are able to truly understand and respond.


You can also be involved! GRN works with ministry partners around the world who will use our recordings as they reach out to others. Do you know of a short term team, a missionary, an evangelist, a chaplain, or any Christian who is reaching out to people where there is a language barrier? We just might have the resources they need to effectively communicate the Good News.

Please Pray For

  • You can also be involved! GRN works with ministry partners around the world who will use our recordings as they reach out to others. Do you know of a short term team, a missionary, an evangelist, a chaplain, or any Christian who is reaching out to people where there is a language barrier? We just might have the resources they need to effectively communicate the Good News.
  • Wisdom for GRN to know how to prioritise the thousands of small languages and dialects which still need audio recordings.
  • Funds for GRN to produce these recordings.
  • Insight, skill and creativity for our software developers, as they seek to make GRN's materials freely available to the billions of mobile phone users in their heart language.
  • For more young people to join GRN who have a passion for Jesus and tellling His story in EVERY LANGUAGE.

Srodne informacije

Global News - Latest news about the ministry and resources of the Global Recordings Network from around the world.

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

Australija - Informacije o Australija