Pray - Rejoice!

Ova stranica trenutno nije dostupna u Srpski.

GRN Australia greatly appreciates our faithful prayer partners!

Join with us in asking the Lord to make this ministry fruitful for the Kingdom of God.

Our monthly prayer diary "Rejoice" and bi-monthly news "Every Language" will keep you up to date with what's happening, and help you make prayer focused and specific. If you would like to receive them by post or email each month you can subscribe here.

Feel free to distribute "Rejoice" and "Every Language" to the prayer teams in your church or to your praying friends. We would love to get requests for additional copies for you to distribute, or we can send them directly to your friends. Please call us, or you can request them here.

May God encourage you, as you rejoice with us in the victories that have been won, and pray with us for those yet to be won.

Ostanite informisani

Primite inspirativne priče, molitvene tačke i načine da se uključite u pričanje priče o Isusu na svakom jeziku

GRN tretira lične podatke sa najvećom pažnjom i diskrecijom. Podnošenjem ovog obrasca pristajete/b da GRN koristi ove informacije u svrhu ispunjavanja vašeg zahteva. Nećemo ga koristiti u bilo koju drugu svrhu, niti ga otkriti bilo kojoj drugoj strani osim ako je to neophodno za ispunjenje vašeg zahteva. Pogledajte  za više informacija.

Srodne informacije

Latest global prayer news and notes - Prayer is the most important part of the work of GRN. Join in!

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

Australija - Informacije o Australija

Get Involved - How to pray, subscribe, go, give, volunteer.