Believe in the True God

Believe in the True God

Përvijimi: The true God commands not to worship idols, spirits etc. Do away with other gods and turn to Him. His love; Christ's atonement; sin will separate us forever from God, bringing punishment. Turn to Jesus and be free from fear of the spirits, etc.

Numri i skriptit: 008

Gjuhe: English

Tema: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Syncretism); Eternal life (Heaven, Eternal / everlasting life); Character of God (Love of God); Living as a Christian (Worship, No other gods, idols, Children of God); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons)

Audienca: Animist

Stili: Monolog

Zhanri: Exhortation

Qëllimi: Evangelism

Citat biblik: Minimal

Statusi: Approved

Skriptet janë udhëzime bazë për përkthimin dhe regjistrimin në gjuhë të tjera. Ato duhet të përshtaten sipas nevojës për t'i bërë të kuptueshme dhe relevante për çdo kulturë dhe gjuhë të ndryshme. Disa terma dhe koncepte të përdorura mund të kenë nevojë për më shumë shpjegime ose edhe të zëvendësohen ose të hiqen plotësisht.

Teksti i skenarit

Would you like to live forever with the true God in His good village after death? Keep silence and listen to these words from the Bible. One of the commandments of God is this: "You shall not make unto yourself a graven image (idol) of any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water (whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish). You shall not bow down before them or worship them." These are the words of the true God. He is the One Who made the sky and earth and all things. It is very clear that the true God does not want you to believe in superstitions. He does not like you to worship idols and images. He does not like you to worship and sacrifice to things like the sun, the moon, trees, animals, floods, thunder and lightning. (Use local practice). All these are created by God for the use of man and not for man to worship. There are no other gods besides the true God and all the spirits you fear and worship are evil.

Your superstitions (and drink) have blinded you, so that you cannot know God. They have deafened your hearing so that you cannot hear the true God. They have tied you so that you cannot freely come to Him. He is the Father of your souls. He is asking you now to do away with your other gods and to return to Him. His love is greater than any other love, even greater than the love of a mother. He is the giver of life and all good things. God loved the people of the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to live on this earth and then to die for us. We all have sinned, but He took the punishment for our sins. For this reason all who believe in Jesus and follow Him, will not be punished in hell, the place of pain and great suffering (torment), but they will have everlasting life in God's good place. After Jesus died, He arose, and went back to live with His Father, God. He is living now.

If you cling to your idols and drinking ceremonies and evil customs and reject God now, you will be sorry after you die. But then it will be too late, for there is no more chance to turn to Jesus after death. Your spirit will go right to hell after you die. There you will be punished forever. If you turn away from worshipping your gods and evil spirits, and worship only the true God, He will forgive your sins. He will make you His children, and He will be your Father. He will take away your desire to practice evil habits. Then you will not need to fear the spirits or make sacrifices to them, because God is greater than they are, and He will protect you. Then when you die, Jesus will take you right to Heaven (His good village), to live with Him forever. Do not wait! NOW is the time to return to the true God. Jesus, His Son, died for you so that you can return to God. He is calling you today. Do not refuse Him - come to Him today. You do not know what the future will bring to pass - tomorrow may be too late.

Note: This script must be adapted to the practices, customs and beliefs of your people.

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