San Partnership Oral Scriptures Set - //Gana
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Lexime audio të Biblës të librave të tërë të Shkrimeve të Shenjta specifike, të njohura, të përkthyera me pak ose aspak koment.
Numri i programit: 66135
Gjatësia e programit: 2:36:48
Emri i gjuhës: //Gana
Shkarkimet dhe porositja
1. 1. Shkrimi i Shenjtë Set Heading & Intro: The Oral Tregime in //Gana
2. 3. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23
3. 04. The Word of God, 2 Timoteut 3:16
4. 5. God Creates Everything, Zanafilla 1 and 2 (a summary)
5. 16. The Fall of Man, Zanafilla 3:1-24
6. 19. Cain and Abel, Zanafilla 4:1-16
7. 20. Noah and the Flood, Zanafilla 6:9-22
8. 22. God's Covenant with Noah, Zanafilla 9:8-17
9. 23. The Tower of Babel, Zanafilla 11:1-9
10. 24. God's Covenant with Abraham, Zanafilla 12:1-7
11. 27. God Tests Abraham, Zanafilla 22:1-19
12. 41. The Israelites Become Slaves, Eksodi 1:8-14
13. 42. The Call of Moses, Eksodi 3:1-10
14. 48. The Passover, Eksodi 12:21-33
15. 50. God Provides Meat and Bread, Eksodi 16:1-12
16. 51. God Provides Water, Eksodi 17:1-7
17. 53. The Ten Commandments, Eksodi 20:1-17
18. 58. The Golden Calf, Eksodi 32:1-11
19. 59. A Prophet Like Moses, Ligji i Përtërirë 18:15-19
20. 60. Jozueu succeeds Moses as leader, Ligji i Përtërirë 31:1-8
21. 64. Poisonous Snakes, Numrat 21:4-9
22. 74. Samuel Anoints David as King, 1 i Samuelit 16:1-13
23. 75. David's Descendant to Reign Forever, 2 i Samuelit 7:8-17
24. 82. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Luka 1:26-38
25. 83. The Birth of Jesus, Luka 2:1-7
26. 84. The Shepherd's Visit, Luka 2:8-21
27. 85. The Wise Men Visit Jesus, Mateu 2:1-12
28. 86.01. Gjoni the Baptist Prepares the Way, Mateu 3:1-12
29. 86.02. Gjoni Baptised Jesus, Mateu 3:13-17
30. 87. Jesus is the Lamb of God, Gjoni 1:29-37
31. 88. Jesus Tempted by Satan, Mateu 4:1-11
32. 89. Jesus Blesses People, Mateu 5:1-12
33. 92. The Good Samaritan, Luka 10:25-37
34. 93. Jesus Calls Some Disciples, Mateu 4:18-22
35. 98. Jesus Heals A Blind Man, Luka 18:35-43
36. 100. The Thankful Leper, Luka 17:11-19
37. 102. Jesus heals a blind man, Gjoni 9:1-12
38. 103. Jesus Heals a Demonised Boy, Marku 9:14-29
39. 104. Jesus Forgives & Heals a Paralysed Man, Mateu 9:1-8
40. 105. The Miraculous Catch of Fish, Gjoni 21:1-14
41. 107. Djali i Humbur, Luka 15:11-24
42. 110. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Marku 2:1-12
43. 113. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the dead, Gjoni 11:32-44
44. 114. Jesus Calms the Storm, Mateu 8:23-27
45. 115. Jesus feeds the 5000, Mateu 14:13-21
46. 116. Jesus Walks on the Water, Mateu 14:22-36
47. 120. Plot to kill Jesus, Gjoni 11:45-53
48. 121. The Rich Man and Lazarus, Luka 16:19-31
49. 123. Jesus is The Way, Gjoni 14:1-6
50. 124.01. The Narrow and the Wide Gates, Mateu 7:13-14
51. 124.02. True and False Disciples, Mateu 7:15-23
52. 124.03. The Wise and Foolish Builders, Mateu 7:24-29
53. 126. Zaccheus the Tax Collector, Luka 19:1-10
54. 127. Jesus Blesses the Children, Marku 10:13-16
55. 130. The Lord's Lutja, Mateu 6:7-15
56. 132. The Parable of the Virgins, Mateu 25:1-13
57. 134. Jesus Appears in His Glory, Luka 9:28-36
58. 135. Peter's Confession of Who Jesus Is, Luka 9:18-22
59. 138. The Destruction of the Temple, Marku 13:3-13
60. 140.01. Jesus Anointed at Bethany, Mateu 26:1-16
61. 140.02. The Last Supper, Mateu 26:17-25
62. 140.03. Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial, Mateu 26:26-35
63. 142. 01. Jesus in Gethseman, Mateu 26:36-46
64. 142.02. Jesus Arrested, Mateu 26:47-56
65. 143. Jesus on Trial, Luka 23:1-12
66. 145.01. Jesus Sentenced, Mateu 27:20-26
67. 145.02. The Crucifixion of Jesus, Mateu 27:32-44
68. 145.03. The Death of Jesus, Mateu 27:45-50
69. 145.04. The Burial of Jesus, Mateu 27:57-66
70. 147. The Resurrection of Jesus, Mateu 28:1-10
71. 148. Jesus appears to Thomas, Gjoni 20:24-29
72. 149. The Promise of the Holy Spirit, Veprat e Apostujve 1:3-11
73. 150. The Ascension, Luka 24:5-53
74. 151. The Great Commission, Matt 28:16-20
75. 152. The Early Church, Veprat e Apostujve 2:42-47
76. 160. The Future of Believers, Zbulesa 21:1-8
77. 161. The Throne of God, Zbulesa 22:1-5
78. 162. Blessed Is The One, Psalm 1
79. 166. The Judgement of the Dead, Zbulesa 20:11-15
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The Oral Stories in //Gana – The Story of God's Love ▪ /Gui or Dcui variant
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- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (37.5MB)
- Shkarko listën e luajtjes M3U
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- AVI for VCD Slideshow (46.5MB)
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