Shikoni, dëgjoni dhe jetoni 1 Duke filluar me Zotin - Quichua, Napo
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Libri 1 i një serie audio-vizuale me histori biblike të Adamit, Noeut, Jobit, Abrahamit. Për ungjillizimin, mbjelljen e kishave dhe mësimin sistematik të krishterë.
Numri i programit: 65730
Gjatësia e programit: 44:39
Emri i gjuhës: Quichua, Napo
Lexoni skenarin
Shkarkimet dhe porositja
1. Introduccion & Adán aun aichagunaguan [Prezantimi & Foto 1 (Adam and the Animals)]
2. Shuc warmi Adán raigu [Foto 2. A Wife for Adam]
3. Shuc palu chagraibi [Foto 3. The Snake in the Garden]
4. Adán y Eva chagramanda quinraima aunguna [Foto 4. Adam and Eve Outside the Garden]
5. Noe y shuc atún barcuibi [Foto 5. Noah and the Great Boat]
6. Mana canilla ya u undashca cuichi y yaya [Foto 6. The Great Flood]
7. Dios pactachina shimita riman [Foto 7. The Rainbow and God's Promise]
8. Shuc aguawasita rascamanda paigua shuti Babel [Foto 8. The Tower of Babel]
9. Job yaya diosta adoran [Foto 9. Jobi Worships God]
10. Job ashca llachirishca [Foto 10. Jobi in Mourning]
11. Job ashca turmintarinai [Foto 11. Jobi Suffers]
12. Job cutillata tucuita charin [Foto 12. Jobi is Restored]
13. Abran saquen paigua allpata [Foto 13. Abraham Leaves His Home]
14. Abran y lotguan [Foto 14. Abraham and Lot]
15. Abran tuparon shuc reiguan de pazguan [Foto 15. Abraham Meets the King of Peace]
16. Abran yupan estrellascunata [Foto 16. Abraham Counts the Stars]
17. Guagua ismaelnishca [Foto 17. The Baby Ishmael]
18. Sara asin [Foto 18. Sarah Laughs]
19. Abran mañan sodomamanda [Foto 19. Abraham Prays for Sodom]
20. Abran sacrificios yaya diosma ricuchim [Foto 20. Abraham's Sacrifice]
21. Abran paigua cuiracguan [Foto 21. Old Abraham and His Servant]
22. Jesús pagarishca punzhlla [Foto 22. Jesus is Born]
23. Jesús guañusca [Foto 23. The Death of Jesus]
24. Jesús causac [Foto 24. Jesus is Alive!]
Shkarkimet dhe porositja
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (39.6MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (10.5MB)
- Shkarko listën e luajtjes M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (72.8MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (16.7MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (5.7MB)
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