40. Mateu - Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi
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Numri i programit: 65648
Gjatësia e programit: 20:57
Emri i gjuhës: Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi
Shkarkimet dhe porositja
1. The Birth of Jesus, Mateu 1:18-25
2. Mateu 3
3. Satan Tempts Jesus, Mateu 4:1-11
4. Jesus Begins His Work in Galilee, Mateu 4:12-17
5. Jesus Chooses 4 Disciples, Mateu 4:18-22
6. Jesus Teaches the People, Mateu 4:23-25
7. Jesus gee 5000 mense kos, Matthew 14:13-21 [Jesus feeds the 5000, Mateu 14:13-21]
8. 18. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Mateu 18:21-35
9. 22. The Greatest Commandment, Mateu 22:34-40
10. The Last Passover Supper, Mateu 26:17-30
Shënime rreth regjistrimit
Johannes die Doper en Jesus, Matteus 3 ▪ Jesus gee 5000 mense kos, Matteus 14:13-21
Shkarkimet dhe porositja
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