Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Projects

Kjo faqe nuk disponohet aktualisht në Shqiptar.

Choose a project to support and be involved in bringing the story of Jesus to the lost.

These are ongoing projects that have no end date. Donate as much or as little as God prompts - every bit helps towards the project.

For projects with specific goals or target amounts, check Major Projects for something to support.

  • You can play a significant role in reaching an unreached people group

  • Provide the resources for evangelists to reach a language group like the Amblong. $2,000 - $10,000

  • Help distribute CDs, Saber mp3 players, micro SD cards or other materials to a language group like the Quichua. From $99.00

  • Provide MP3 players to national pastors and evangelists, covering cost of player, freight and customs charges

  • A basic recordist's kit includes a professional recording machine, microphones, headphones and other equipment. $3,500

  • Many national workers face difficulties and make huge sacrifices as they serve God. With your support they can stay with the ministry. from $2,400 p.a.

Informacione të lidhura

Projektet e mëdha -

Projects - What's being done, and how you can help.