Namibia and Botswana Outreach Report June 2014

Deon Snyders. <a href="" target="_blank">Subscribe</a> for our quarterly<br>newsletters to get feedback on this project.
Deon Snyders. Subscribe for our quarterly
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Jesus on the big screen - to the whole community
Children's program with the 'Living Ball'
The message everywhere

From Deon Snyders, coworker of GRN Southern Africa in Botswana, Venda and Namibia

Dear Mission friends and Prayer partners

After 6,210 km and a few interesting incidents, I am back home and just want to say that I appreciate all your prayers and contributions and encouragement in continuing with the evangelizing task.

Some 1,536 adults and 1,808 children attended the evangelizing activities during my Botswana and Namibia outreach in April/May 2014. In order to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people living in the remote and smaller villages, I used several audiovisual materials including the:

  • Global Recordings Network audio and picture materials sponsored by Good News Media;
  • Heart Chart;
  • Different DVD's on a 2x3 meter big screen (during evenings);
  • Living Ball; and
  • music and songs.

About 100 Bibles and a few thousand tracts with different topics had been given to the people, as well as different topics from Jericho Walls International Prayer Network on prayer and Bibles studies. Working with nearby churches in these remote areas and using guides and translators, is key to the age old problem of follow-up programs to these groups.

During the first part of the outreach the Youth for Christ leadership in Botswana was introduced to several Mission organizations in northern Botswana and in the Okavango Delta area. The focus was to 1) build relationships with the people whom are already working in these areas and 2) to contribute to future participation in evangelizing programs in the areas .

The second part of the outreach was conducted in conjunction other with other mission groups. The Kingdom Vision Church and local mission and church groups accompanied me to the northern part of Maun in Botswana. And my visit to the Caprivi strip in Namibia was accompanied by the All Nation Village Church. In this area the focus of the Outreach was on new areas for expansion of the church under the Humbukushu tribes.

The third part of the Outreach was to take Bibles, tracts and other Biblical material to some remote churches in Kaokoveld in the northwest area of Namibia. People from South Africa whom visited this area during 2013 asked me to help the people in this area with Biblical material for their spiritual growth. During the journey people at Otavi, Kamanjab and Koës invited me to come to their area also for Evangelizing outreaches.

Thank you again and my thankful appreciation to all you participants, for helping to "bring in the harvest".

"May the Lord bless you and take care of you" (Num 6:24)

The next outreach will be with the Keimoes Dutch Reformed Church to the south of Botswana in the Kalahari desert, from 26-30 June 2014. Some of the evangelizing activities is held during the evenings where the temperature can drop to minus 12 degrees centigrade in winter.

May I ask again that you will pray for the reached people groups as well as the participating churches with the necessary follow-up actions for the past outreach as well as for the coming Outreach. We also need your prayers for our protection and wisdom and insight and a brake through, spiritually, for the coming Outreach , please.

"May the Lord be kind and gracious to you" (Num 6:25)

Thank you that I could share with you what is happening in the Mission field of today, where the "Harvest is still plentiful and the Workers very few".

May the Lord on you with Favour and give you Piece" (Num 6:26)

Best wishes and Peace in Christ.


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