Taking Opportunities to Reach Migrant Workers in Scotland

One of the docked ships donated food for the workers
One of the docked ships donated food for the workers

Kjo faqe nuk disponohet aktualisht në Shqiptar.

by Kenny McKee - GRN UK

Here's a little clip about a friend of mine who works for the Seamens Mission in Scotland. He distributes our 5fish cards to the crews of the cruise ships, fishing boats and cargo boats in the ports in Scotland. Here's what he wrote today with a photo.

Hi Kenny,

Today I gave some of your 5fish cards to the farm manager along with Our Daily Bread Devotionals in Russian, Portuguese and English as he has 80 migrant workers from all over Europe picking daffodils.

I pointed out that these workers from so many different countries can use the 5fish app to download their own language and after that they can benefit from the therapy of listening to their own language.

I pointed out that just being able to listen and think in ones own language does help the Sailors on long contracts away from home.

The attached picture is of some of these migrant workers receiving food donated by one of the ships in the harbour.

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